Chapter 14

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𝗔𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗿𝗮'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩 :

I was tired, so I took a shower and changed into some comfortable pj's.

I went to bed, thinking about Enzo's sudden change of behaviour.

I took my own advice and stopped coming up with questions.

Since I was 9, I realised my questions won't be answered. I learnt it the hard way.

After drifting in and out of sleep, I decided to watch some Instagram.

A picture of Susanna popped up.

"Why the fuck is she popping up on my insta?" I asked myself.

I clicked on her profile. All her photos with Enzo were gone.

"Wait, this was why Enzo was acting strange. He and Susanna broke up." I told myself.

I won't bring this up with him because he's not comfortable with me. We barely know each other, so he wouldn't want to share anything.

I'll wait until he trusts me enough for him to tell me about his problems.

My phone started ringing.

"What do you want, Olivia?" I asked.

"Did you see that Susanna removed Enzo from her profile?!"

She shouted so hard that I removed my phone from my ear.

"Tone the fuck down, Olivia. It's 12 in the morning." I groaned.

"No, I can't tone the fuck down, Aurora. It finally happened! Enzo looked so unhappy in that relationship."

"Olivia, you can't judge someone like that. What if he's actually happy? What if they haven't broken up?"

"No! Susanna always posts Enzo. She literally uses Enzo for popularity. It'll work out just fine."

"Ok, anything else?"

"Yea, shoot your shot!"

I coughed.

"What the fuck! What does that mean?"

"Date him! Let him be your first boyfriend."

"Nah, Olivia, you've officially gone mad. Goodbye. Mwah!"

"Bye! Mwah!"

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