eight days

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eight days

when you see someone that you've never seen for ages and your heart skips a beat excitingly. what does it say?

♡ ♡ ♡

"well, this is better."

seokjin speaks fluently in english, handing out the papers to his staff, seeing them thank him as he mumbled to himself. "... wah, where is mom even?" he trails-off, after receiving a text from his mother about asking him to accommodate the guest first in their pop-up store near the port.

it's been a few years ever since the third generation of k-pop idols have disappeared in the lime light. everyone had finally lived their lives, and it includes bangtan to choosing peace over anything now.

there are times that they occasionally throw updates with their fans, glad to see them interacting with them as well.

seokjin rarely updates everything about his life, though. no one even knew where he is now.

 everyone knew that he left korea, but no one was aware that he had now changed his citizenship to live with his family in australia, continuing their business.

he wasn't sure back then, he was afraid to leave the comfort he had in korea as a privileged citizen. but it felt like a double-edged sword, he wouldn't be able to live his life after the idol life knowing that the media won't let their prime die by monitoring everything about him.

there were also trials and traumas along the way that made him finalize his decision of living a new life.

at first, it was scary.

it was scary to leave something that you've gotten used with even if it's chaotic. during his first few days in australia, it felt new to him that there's no chaos ensuing except for the daily troubles of his life.

and after that, he had finally learned what peace felt like that he no longer craves for his past life no matter how much he missed the people he used to be with.

as he had decided, he'll soon come by korea when his sanity is fine enough to continue- when he finally is whole as a brick to no longer be broken in secret.

he occasionally talks to some of his friends, the '92, the bangtan- some of his co-actor friends and such.

and the stress that comes with weighing him down due to his popularity?

they were all gone. 

he knew that cutting people off was the harshest thing that one could do since he never does it. but after learning the art of it, detachment had became so easy. 

there were times that he was curious that if he had continued certain bonds, would things be the way it is now- was it worth the detachment?

yah... it's been two years not meeting up face to face. when will i ever see you guys?

lol, you see my face everyday since i'm still active as an idol.

and we're tired of it!!!

YAH BYULIE, don't get me started since i'm in your PROVINCE RN!

seokjin silently reads through the chat, breaking into a soft grin, enjoying the conversation that never changed even if years had passed by all along. he missed seeing them face to face though, they usually gang up together every single week in his house or even in sandeul's just to play stupid games.

EIGHT [ jinbyul ] VALENTINES 2024Where stories live. Discover now