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"what's taking byulyi so long!?" ken exclaims, leaving messages on the group as his messages kept on being delivered. seokjin lets out a chuckle, muttering. "leave her alone, she'll surely come today."

"ah... i'm now suspicious of you two- have you eloped on the last eight years enough for you to confidently say that she's going?" sandeul playfully threw the question, obliviously sipping on his drink before calling into the waiter for another set of orders.

seokjin could only grin softly, whispering. "you guys still aren't over that rumor?"

"none of you guys were present for the last eight years- well, byulyi occasionally talks to us- but- barely!" heeyeon exclaims. "she's always the noisy one, isn't it?" seokjin cackled, everyone of them agreeing.

"ah, i miss her, really." sandeul whispers, only for seokjin to mutter. "how is it going with your lover?" he asks her, as sandeul blinks.

"... how would you know when you're not even going on the line most of the time?" he asks, completely curious as seokjin snickers. "i have my ways, i'm still alive, you know."

"you punk, at least reply if you were knowledgeable of our whereabouts!" ken hisses, playfully punching his shoulder- as seokjin whines softly, whispering. "i'm busy with my business on australia, i'm here with my promise, though!" 

"geure, ah- only byulyi knew what's happening around us since most of you are silent." sandeul clicks his tongue, shaking his head dramatically, about to speak again only for seokjin to hear his phone ringing, excusing himself as he turns a little- answering the call.

"oh, aegi, where are you?" he asks in a soft tone, leaving the three surprised of his sudden change of tone- hearing a muffled voice of a high-pitched child on the other line.

"eunbyulie is coming- appa-ppa!" she cheerfully cried, seeing seokjin snort- smile with his eyes crinkling on both sides- as heeyeon pauses, blinking. 


"where is omma, then?" he asks his daughter on the other line, hearing her whine softly. "omma is paying on the counter!"

"you're married and a father?" ken's eyes went wide, almost choking on his rice as he heard seokjin chuckle- nodding before continuing to talk on the phone, now hearing his wife.

"ah baby go take your time, i'll wait for you here." he says, hearing his wife chuckle on the other line, whispering. "aegi wanted vanilla ice cream, so i had to stop over there for a moment- mian."

"that's fine, we'll wait for you here." he tells her, as sandeul mouthed. "you're bringing your wife in?"

heeyeon could only frown, tilting her head for a moment.

"was she in australia!?" sandeul curiously asks, continuously throwing seokjin a string of questions. "ah, wae- all of you are excited?" he chuckles shyly, shaking his head.

heeyeon remained silent, trying to read through the situation.

she knew the familiar deep voice within' the call though- but-

eight years ago, they swore to not even like each other... huh?

heeyeon raises her brow, a little intrigued, breaking into a small smile at the possibility on why the last '92 club member was missing.

"ah, everyone is so excited to see you." seokjin chuckles on the phone, hearing his wife giggle- murmuring. "eunbyul is still waiting for the sundae across the restaurant, please wait for us." 

"same old order?" he asks her, hearing her snicker- telling him-


"ah, two pieces of the potato set and two red-bean buns as an addition, too." he tells the waiter- only for heeyeon to pause, watching jin bid his goodbye to his wife.



"are you byulyi now?" sandeul obliviously asks, sipping on his beer as heeyeon's eyes went wide, her crossed arms slowly lowering as she met seokjin's eyes.

he knew she knew.

he breaks into a loud chuckle and lower his head, whispering. "ah, you guys-"

right before he could even speak, the door clicks open from the private restaurant, hearing a cheery- giggly child, seemingly four years old, holding her mom's hand in hers, the other one holding on the gigantic vanilla ice cream in her tiny one left.

ken notices, muttering. "oh is that-"

... your wife?

the last member of the '92!?


the backstory of how jinnie and byulie ended up together after the eight years of silence.

original story is published on:

february 12, 2024: eight days
february 13, 2024: eight weeks
february 14, 2024: eight years


EIGHT [ jinbyul ] VALENTINES 2024Where stories live. Discover now