one shot #1 !!! ( + drawing ^_^ )

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huzzah ! thanks person  !!!! (if you dont want your comment one here tell me and ill take it off)sorry if this is crappy as i said before this is my first fanfic thingy so yeah

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huzzah ! thanks person  !!!! (if you dont want your comment one here tell me and ill take it off)
sorry if this is crappy as i said before this is my first fanfic thingy so yeah..

' ' will you stay with me ? ' ' 
the axolotl said, as a pop up "popped" up.

you hesitated for a second, kinito kept on rambling, trying to convince you.

a second later you click yes, interrupting him 

' ' !! aw yeah !! i knew you'd say that ! this is going to be super !! ' '
' ' we are gonna have so much fun together !! ' '
' ' i cant wa-- 

you zoned out when listening to him ramble on joyfully, 

god,, why does he talk SO much ?

hes STILL talking,, goodness gracious,,

you continued on phased out, not listening to a single thing that axolotl says,

                 ' ' hello ? ' ' 

                                                           ' ' are you listening to me  ? ' '

                                  ' ' are you there ????? ' '

     ' ' hhHHEEELLOO ?? ' '

 snapping back into reality you realized he finally stopped, moving your mouse letting him know your not dead or something.

 ' ' oh great ! im glad your back ! as i was saying before, what do you wanna do first ? there  SO many adventures we could do ! ' '

just then, a text box appeared.
[ i dont know. ]

' ' a-- ' '

 ' ' you... dont  know ? ' '

' ' well then , alright ! ill come up with something, ' ' 

' ' how about painting again ? i found that quite fun !' '

[ no . ]

' 'oh, hm,, i could read that story i was working on earlier ! ' '

 [ no . ]

' ' your making this VERY hard . ' '

[ what about just.. simply hanging out ? ] 

' ' huh ? well , suppose so ,, sure ! why not ? ' '

then fore on, you spent your time with a weird legged axolotl, 


and never seeing anyone else.

whatever, thats not too bad.

at least its not anything worse.

you suppose.

dear god this sucks sorry

but yeah  thank you for the request !!! and feel free to request more !! this is actully pretty fun even if it is horrible

____________________________________________________________dear god this sucks sorrybut yeah  thank you for the request !!! and feel free to request more !! this is actully pretty fun even if it is horrible

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and dont think i forgot about YOU. 

i didnt really know how to write this so i just drew it,,,,,, yeah

 i didnt really know how to write this so i just drew it,,,,,, yeah

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