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this is a past AU where the two are still coworkers and very good friends


Subspace was at his part of the lab, twisting some crystal around and inspecting it to see if the things he applied to it had any effect. Right as he began to write the observation down, the crystal blew up. Not a big explosion, the 20th one this day.

He sighed. 'I think I've had enough for one day. I don't think Medkit would be happy if I kept blowing myself up.' He thought to himself as he cleaned up the desk area.

After like 5 minutes he gave up and went to the locker area, where Medkit had already changed from the lab clothes to his normal ones.

"Med! You said you were gonna wait for me!" Subspace placed his hands on his hips.

"Well if you're gonna take forever, not even a snail will wait." Medkit rolled his eyes playfully.

Subspace just sighed. "Can I go with you tonight? Sleepover?" He asked, looking at his friend with puppy eyes.

"Not the puppy face." Medkit muttered under his breath. "We did that yesterday night as well. You can go a night alone, come on. You're an adult. Not a toddler." Medkit sighed. He knew what would come ne-



"Pleeeeassee Meddy"



"... Fine just stop begging like a lost dog." Medkit gave up.

Subspace did a little happy squeal.

-A minor time skip after Subspace changed in his normal clothes-

The two walked to Medkits apartament, where the scent of coconut soap greeted Subspace. It was a scent he could never get enough of. It was refreshing.

"Is it fine if we order pizza tonight?" Medkit put his coat on the hanger in his hallway.

"PIZZA?!? Heck yeahh!" Subspace jumped on Medkit, hugging him. He let out a warm giggle.

"Save the hugs and cuddles for the night, Sub." Medkit pat his head.

The two got onto the couch, which Subspace ADORED because he loved the feeling of sinking into it. They ordered pizza and watched a movie. They shared a very fluffy blanket, cuddling together. (yeah these mfs are def not just friends)

It was a movie of Medkits choice, so this would be interesting.

30 minutes into the movie, the main character was making out with the villain, which the mc didn't know.

Medkit looked away, Subspace did the same.

"Didn't know you liked.. this type of stuff." Subspace did a fake cough.

"I didn't know there'd be such a scene in the movie.." a slight cyan tint spread across Medkits face, as he imagined himself doing whatever the characters were doing.

Subspace decided it'd be a good time for an innocent prank. He leaned onto Medkit and smirked. "I mean.. I don't mind." He purred as he put his hand on Medkits thigh.

Medkit blushed a bit more. "Subspace. You're-"

"Relax. Just wanted to mess with you!" He took his hand off his friend's thigh.

Medkit sighed. "I'll be damned if I have to spend the rest of my days with you." He joked.

"I'll make sure that'll happen!" Subspace inched closer to Medkit, the two cuddling now.

Medkit turned off the movie.

Subspace fell asleep in his friend's arms and the two slept on the couch.


i wrote this as soon as i woke up-

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