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IT WAS ROSE'S LAST day in Hogwarts and the Potter girl wished the day could go a bit faster. Hogwarts was an amazing place,she would never deny that,and at some point she even considered it her home. But,after the war,that had changed. 

Now,as she walked the hallways of her beloved school,all she could remember was the Battle that had taken place several months before. 

Rose knew she wasn't the only one who felt this way,many of her friends and classmates felt the same. In fact,the feeling was so heavy in her soul that Rose had never imagined coming back to school if it wasn't for Hermione and Neville. Those two had been her rock for years and they had never left her alone,especially in the last few months...unlike Ron. 

Ronald Weasley would always have a place in her heart,yet it still hurt to see him so detached from her. After the war,he blamed her more than anyone else. Because it was her fault that not only one of his brothers was dead,but also his beloved sister. Ginny. 

Oh Ginny,dear sweet and funny Ginny had pushed her out of the way before an Avada Kedavra touched her. The Weasley girl had saved the love of her life even if the girl did not love her in return. Ginny loved Rose more than she should have and that was her downfall. 

Ginny was one of the main reasons as to why Rose hated being the 'Girl-who-lived',after all,being everyone's hero meant that she could not mourn the girl who she could have loved. The girl whom was a dear friend to her and whom Rose loved,even if it was not the same type of love Ginny wanted.

Being a hero meant being strong for everyone else,Rose knew this. She had many years of experience in this subject. Being seen as weak was not an option. Not for Rose Potter. 

So,the sooner the girl could leave Hogwarts,the sooner she could leave the Wizarding world. The good thing of all of this was that Neville would be coming with her. Her Godbrother refused to let her go,something that touched Rose's heart greatly.  

As she entered the Great Hall for the first time,Rose froze when she saw that it was mostly filled with many of those whom fought in the war,whether it was on the light or dark side,many of them were there. And they were all looking at her. 

"Now what did you do,Potter?",Draco Malfoy,whom she surprisingly now had a good relationship with,asked. He looked at her bored yet his eyes hid amusement,he knew that his cousin would be shocked by what was happening. Oh,he hoped there was a mental breakdown and that he could film it as well. 

"Is it a crime to come down for breakfast,Malfoy?",Rose raised an eyebrow before looking at Headmistress McGonagall,"What is going on,Minnie?"

The woman scowled at her with amused eyes,"How many times have I told you to not call me Minnie,Ms.Potter?"

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