Chapter 3: The Meeting

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The thumping beat of the nightclub music reverberated through my chest, causing my heart to race even faster. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I took a few deep breaths to steady myself. The alleyway where the men had disappeared into loomed ahead, casting ominous shadows and making every nerve in my body scream with fear. I forced myself forward, my steps echoing loudly against the damp cobblestone, reassuring myself I had nothing to fear. I was just going to ask those nice gentlemen if they know a guy named Tello, and if they could tell me where he is now. Piece of cake. Ignoring the terror crawling up my spine, I pressed on towards those suited men, determined to find Tello and get answers.

As I crept deeper into the darkness, the street noise faded away until all that surrounded me was a stillness broken only by the distant drip of water and the muffled strains of music. The stench of decay and filth filled my nostrils as I finally caught sight of the men huddled over something in the end of the alley. I crouched behind a nearby trash can, heart thundering in my chest as I strained to hear their conversation.

"All we're asking is that you reveal who you're working for." A heavy thud echoed through the alleyway as one of the men struck someone, followed by a guttural groan.

"I swear Enzo, you have the wrong guys," a familiar voice said. I peered through the small opening in between two crates, my heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. It was hard to make out in the dimly lit space, but it seemed like the drunken man from earlier was now hunched over on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood. All of my senses fired off, and I was not staying another second. Tello would have to wait, I needed to get out of here, now.

Their voices blended together into white noise as I scanned my surroundings for an escape route. My mind raced, trying to calculate the quickest and most inconspicuous way out. Finally, I took a deep breath and slowly began crawling away from the scene, making sure not to draw any attention to myself. When I thought I was far enough away, I brought up my feet under me and ran. My heart pounded with excitement as I reached the busy street again, but my joy was short-lived. Just as I thought I had made it to safety, a floodlight blinded me and footsteps approached. My heart dropped as I recognized the security guard from earlier, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. Without hesitation, I leapt towards the nearest stack of cardboard boxes and squeezed myself underneath, praying he hadn't seen me. It was too late. With a firm grip on my arm, he pulled me out from my hiding spot and dragged me back into the dark alleyway. My screams and struggles were futile as he remained silent, his steely gaze fixated in front dragging me behind him. As we got closer, I could see their faces illuminated by the dim light in the end of the alleyway. The brothers' cold eyes locked onto mine and I knew there would be no escaping.

"LEAVE ME ALONE" I screamed, my voice cracking with desperation as the security guard's hands tightened around my arms. Tears streamed down my face, leaving salty trails behind. My heart was pounding in my chest and I could barely catch my breath. Glancing to my side, I saw the drunken man from before, stumbling beside me. His disheveled appearance was accentuated by the blood oozing from his swollen mouth and nose. Next to him was another man. A rough-looking man with a round face and a mustache dribbled with blood - Tello. Our eyes met, and my heart broke at the fear I saw reflected in his pained expression. Blood streamed down from a cut on his brow, trickling over the edges of his mustache like crimson tears.

"Who is this?" one of the guys demanded from the security guard. My gaze darted between the group of men surrounding me, briefly stopping to notice the brother with the scar. Despite my best efforts to remain impassive, he had an undeniable force about him. But there was something I hadn't seen before: a coldness in his eyes that chilled me to the bone. Unsympathetic, like he was ordering coffee at his favorite café, not torturing people in a dark alleyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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