Part 11

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I went to Y/N's room as she didn't come down for a while

I.N: Is Noona gonna be here soon?

Chan: I don't know she left like 10 minutes ago

Iyah: Go and check on her Han

Han: Me?

Lix: Uhmm yeah...

Han: Uhmm okay

I went upstairs when Y/N's phone rang. It was a girl. I heard the whole conversation including her saying that I was a green flag and I made her happy. But what she also did was to mention Hyunjin. I didn't knew why it made me mad.
But I did get schoked when the girl on phone said they could see love in my eye for her. And I think it was true. I was fallen for her. Once again.
When she was done talking to me did she turn around and saw me. Well I had to speak first so didn't get caught.

She assumed I listened to her conversation that I did but I had to backfire... well I took her downstairs

Chan: Where have you been we've waited for you

Y/N: Sorry Chan got a phone call

Iyah: An offer?

Me: No it was my friend

Me: Oh and did she tell you that she is going on a date tomorrow with Hyunjin

I.N: Again?

Y/N: Why will you tell them like that?

Me: Cuz we were planning on going to the movies tomorrow evening but since you are busy can't we

We didn't planned it but it's just something I said. Everyone looked at me. I looked back and I.N and Lix seemed to read the room

Lix: So it's cancelled

I.N: But I was so excited

Chan: It's okay we'll just go the day after tomorrow then

Iyah: Well we don't have other options so we?

Y/N: I'm sorry guys I didn't knew it

Chan: I mean it's fine

We then started to play the games. I was kinda mad... didn't even know why...

The next morning did I decide to meet up with Seungmin and Lee know. We was at Lee Knows playing with his cats when I told them about Y/N dating Hyunjin. I had been there almost the whole day. There was silent so I randomly spoke up

Me: I think I like Y/N

Sg: Okay we know?

Me: You do?

LK: I mean you can't be more obvious... you always talk about her.. look at her with the lovey dovey eyes....

Sg: And let her date someone else even though you don't want to cuz she's happy

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