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Guk was currently awake as he doesn't have school tomorrow rubbing his eyes he tip toed stretching his arms

He wents out but stopped hearing his brother talking to someone

"Not my fucking fault that you couldn't get him first you fucking dick head!" He growled in anger

Guk sighed as he was getting used to his constant swearings and constantly changing behavior and mood.

But the thing which made guk curious was who was he talking about?

Is it someone he hates?
His enemy?

No wonder he is reserved and calm and him getting mad is like 2 hells colliding.

"If i saw hi-" he was about to say something but raised his eye brows seeing guk hiding behind the pillar as he sighed

"Ill see you on my own." He replied coldly and hung up the phone.

Guk was trying hard to listen but widened his eyes feeling a cold hand on his shoulder he gulped nervously and turned toward his brother slowly
just to meet his cold dark gaze

"What did i told you about eavesdropping huh?" Guk looks down

"LOOK AT ME JEON GUK" he yelled making him flinch "i-im s-orry"

He scoffed

"Sorry for something you do again and again?"

"H-yung i-i thought y-ou will hurt s-omeone o-r hurt yourself" he looks down

The older one took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves down

"Im old enough to know whats wrong and whats right be in the limits and boundaries set for you understood?"

He looks down and nods

"I want you asleep in next 10 mins."
He said turning back and walking towards his room

"Bu-" he sighed and wents in the kitchen heating up milk for him with a sad pout

"I will apologize to him!" He huffed

Being a lil stubborn he took out things for cookies and started to make better while humming a song

After some hours

The older one was in light sleep as he was changing his sides constantly making annoyed face as he sits up

He rubbed his eyes getting a sweet smell from his side table he divert his gaze toward the table finding a plate of rabbit shaped cookies with a small letter

He slowly grabbed the plate and opened the letter and started to read it

Dear hyungie!

"Ik i disobeyed what you said but i didn't had any intentions to do so i thought you would hurt someone or yourself while being out of your senses in anger i remember eomma telling me you like cookies and she used to give you these whenever you got angry or upset so i hope you would like them and forgive me :("

He was reading it and his eyes were getting teary unknowingly when his mum got mentioned but soon his tears turned into a blood rush of rage and anger as he closed his eyes remembering all the sweet moments of him and his mum


"eomma please i don't wana talk!" He whined "yah! So you wont talk to your mum huh?!?"
He pouted a bit

"Ill later!" He huffed as his mum crossed her arms "fine! I will eat these cookies alone!" He side eyed his mum but remained quite

His mum went out sitting on the couch while munching on them and praising them loudly on purpose

As he smiled tightly and tip toed behind his mum and back hugged her

"So eomma will tease his bunny now?"

She also stayed quite and continues to eat

"Eommaa!" He shakes her "aigo come on see im talking now!'

Mrs jeon was holding back her laugh and looks at him.

" why now?!? Go stay!"  He was being stubborn and hugged her tightly

"Yah g-" she couldn't complete when mr jeon called her out


-Flashback ends-

"Even if i have to rip my own veins to write a scariest lullaby for them eomma i will your son will" he said gritting his teeth.

What yall think who is he? And who is he talking about!???

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