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Warning: this alternate history is so cringe and wank, so read on your own risk


the end of ww2, had a huge impact on humanity as a whole, two atomic bombs were used and the loss of life was much greater than the first, but from behind the fog a surprise began to emerge, a race of humanoids and animals discovered in one of the secret nazi labs, Believing that this was one of the Nazis' "wunderwaffe" projects, the Allied troops did not know what to do with this new race, until they decided they would be "treated" in several camps until they could blend into human society.

At first, humans and the race known as furries mixed well and harmoniously, but quite a few were discriminated against because humans saw furries as "monsters" or "freaks", and the fact that they were originally created by the Germans as " weapons of war" only made these furries also hate German people as "former masters" who only wanted to use them as weapons, and this hatred culminated on April 20 1949 when 16 Germans were killed by a group of angry furries.

The furry population also continues to grow very rapidly, until the need for basic food becomes a struggle between humans and furries, place to live also becomes a struggle between the two races where humans consider this world to be their first inhabitant before the furries were created, while some radical furry groups consider humans to be a catastrophic outbreak where they fight each other and slowly destroy nature, especially how many animals have become extinct due to human actions.

furries also often protest where they want the elimination of discrimination and want a number of basic rights like ordinary humans have, most protests are peaceful but sometimes they can become riots, humans also protest where since furries appeared they are fighting over food and a place to live, and when both groups meet each other, they often fighting.


The conflict peaked on September 13, 1966 in New York where a New York police officer accidentally shot a furry protestor at point blank, killing him in the process. The news spread around the world like wild fire, and more furries around the world rioted. a few days after the incident, the furries began attacking police officers and even burned down the police station.

an armed group of furries appeared, they were called the United Furry Forces or UFF for short, they were initially just arm thugs until they started spreading propaganda that "the era of humans is over, and a new era under furries has been born" to all corners of the world, but not all furries agree with the UFF, because many of them just want "equality" and hope to get it if they are friends with humanity, but on the other side many furries believe that they can't get what they want by peaceful means, but through blood.

UN emergency meeting was held a few weeks after the creation of the UFF, not wanting to escalate the conflict, the UN finally agreed to comply with the demands of the furry race, representatives from furry groups, especially representatives from the UFF, agreed to defuse the conflict, on the condition that the UFF would become an official military group specifically for furries.


This peace did not last long, because the UFF group itself was like a far-right furry group, they continued to spread to all corners of the world, even though they were officially equal to humans, but there was still a lot of discrimination because of the struggle for shelter and food, but ironically this made humanity itself became more united and racism towards fellow humans began to disappear quickly, several political movements such as "united mankind" and "pan-humanism" began to emerge, if furries could unite and become strong, then so could humanity, but unfortunately with the cold war that occurred between the USA and the USSR, this made it a little difficult for humanity to unite, but that would not last long.

it's just a fictional country I made for my friend idea story Or RP DiscordTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang