Why do I hide?

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I never showed myself to the world,

I never removed the mask from my face when covid ended,

I never let people see my heart that was smashed into microscopic pieces left in my chest,

I never let boyfriends see behind my eyes,

And I never let family see past themselves in me,

But why did I hide?

Why was I so scared for people to see my smile or the glue holding my heart together?

And why am I still scared?

Why do I hide under my blankets from the monster that is myself?

This monster people tell me to fear but yet I never see.

Maybe because like the boogeyman it doesn't exist,

Maybe there was no monster to disguise from the start,

So again I ask myself, Why do I hide?


P.S I'm writing a story called I love, mi amor. If you search it up on here you'll find it but its on a diff acc because i had lost this one for  a bit. 

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