Chapter 2: Aftermath (Mainly Exposition)

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A/N: Cid staying as a background character wins. Probably should've cleared this up as well, but the voting also included my friends who watch anime. It won, by a slight, teeny weeny difference.


-my old chap was deleted so that's why it took a long time. It seems that I somehow forgot to save my previous work.


-this chap is mainly exposition on both the TEIS and DAL world after Cid went dimension traveling.



A hand slammed a wooden desk, startling the frail looking man infront of it. His face held a look of fear as he held the clipboard close to him as if it was his lifeline. Across from him, stood the furious figure of the first princess, her teeth gritted as a look of worry and concern flashed through her eyes.


She shouted, scaring the frail man even more.

"As-as I read in t-the rep-report pr-princess Iris. C-Cid Kagenou disappeared atop the tow-tower you and Lady Beatrix fought against Sh-Shadow."

Through trembling lips, the man stuttered out, unintentionally causing the leakage of Iris' murderous aura, causing the table to crack through the sheer pressure she released.

'Dammit! Where are you?!'

Iris thought, her worry ever growing. Cid is her little sister's boyfriend, so she has to care and act like this when a possible family member goes missing or gets kidnapped!

Calming down, Iris plopped back down to her seat, anxious and concerned, yet she knew that this was a time where she shouldn't feel any of those.

A student has gone missing, and he was the second princess' boyfriend no less! If she caught whoever kidnapped him, she promised to make them pay.

Looking at the terrified reporter, she snapped out of her rage state, seeing the destruction in her room, she got embarrassed.

"You can leave the report here. I'll go through it myself."

She ordered as the man immediately complied, almost vanishing like lightning after putting the report on her desk.

Iris sighed as she picked up the report, skimming through it as her mind wondered about her outburst.

'That's weird, why do I feel like this about him? He's family right? Right?'

Once again, Iris was left to think about the aloof boy at the bushin festival.

==================[Lawless city]

As the crimson moon flies high above the sky, screams of agony and terror echoed through the Lawless city.

"My queen! You are finally back at last!"

A man, with dark red hair exclaimed as he watch the rise of his queen, a cimson haired beauty who bore no emotion, as if her emotion had been lost in the passage of time.

"Lady Elizabeth! Through the darkest of nights we shall reign-!"


Before the vampire could finish his sentence, his chest was impaled with a red rod which came from the queen herself.

She looked up, seeing the crimson moon as her urge to destroy reached its peak.

No one is safe from her.

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