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*Camilla's pov*

I was getting ready cause hope said her family invited me over for dinner.I was looking for a outfit

I looked at myself one more time and than I walked out of the house and got in my car and drove to the compound.Soon I got to the compound I was met with elijah

Camilla:good evening
Elijah:good evening camilla
Hope:hi girlie
Camilla:hi hopie so what's up first
Freya:well Rebekah and kol are setting the table you could take a look around
Hope:how about uncle elijah take you I have to help auntie freya
Freya:klaus is out so what do you say elijah
Elijah:sure come miss cole

She looks at hope and freya and mouths thank you

Elijah:this is niklaus's study

I walked and looked at his painting they were beautiful

Elijah:he is quite the artist
Camilla:yes he is

I looked around and I missed a step and I was about to fall but someone catched me


I looked in his eyes and than he put me on my feet

Camilla:I am gonna cut to the chase here
Elijah:we should probably go

I walked out and downstairs to the dining hall and he followed We sat at the table and klaus joined us soon we all started eating and than they started asking questions

Freya:so where is your parents
Camilla:My mom died when I was three and my dad died when I was sixteen
Rebekah:sorry to hear that
Camilla:it's fine after that I lived with my uncle and auntie but than he become abusive that's when I realized I had magic and than I left I found out he killed my auntie and I never looked back moved here that's how I met hope

Hope was squeezing my hand the whole time and I looked at her and smiled and she returned the smile

Klaus:sorry to hear that Cami and if you need anything you are always welcome here
Camilla:thanks nik
Freya:if you ever need anything we are here to help and anyway you are now apart of the family
Camille:thanks guys I see why hope loves you all you really are a strong family
Kol:it toke alot of fighting to get to this point
Camilla:I thought so

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