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*don't start the song yet*

(For days Camilla didn't go to the compound she didn't answer their texts she avoided them and she partied alot)

*Camilla's pov*

I woke up today and I decided I was gonna go partying today like yesterday.I got dressed and than I heard knock at the door

Camilla:I am coming

I walked to the door I opened it and I saw them

*plus hope*

Camilla:not today
Hope:we are looking out for you
Camilla:hope I can take care of myself I have been doing it my whole life
Hope:you don't have to anymore we are here for you
Camilla:stop saying that I don't want help I don't need it
Kol:you are clubbing alot these days and you need to recover camilla
Camilla:stop it !!
Camilla:no I need you all too leave I don't need this right now

(He didn't care her grabbed her he hugged her)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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