22. back knots 💔💦

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Present time

Tae: after that day you brought up gifts for me whenever you want to do it with me

Those things were not gifts , you just pay me for my body and I used think that you start loving me (bitter clucked)


The next day

Today is Sunday, everyone is going to wake up late and start their orders as if it's a restaurant

Tae come to their bedroom saw jungkook is sleeping in bed

He went to his cupboard and took out some of his clothes

Tae: he messed up the room

He glance at their room , everything unorganized and messed up even his dirty clothes are in floor

Their bed is messed up and some snacks packet are on their bed

Tae: why he is always like this

He went to their bed and took those packet form bed but than

Someone grab palette of his saree , he turn around back saw it's jungkook

He is smirking looking at his wife's waist and flat belly , he lick his lips

Jk: you didn't came in our room last night

Tae: ...

Jk: I can see you are not missing me at all , are you

Tae: let me go

He pull tae by his wrist and take him in his lap, he smirked and start playing with his hairs

He tighten his grip in tae's waist and squeeze it

Jk: looking sexy today , I like backless (touched his back) why you hide this sexy body form me , I am your husband I have rights to touch you

Jungkook is always like this you can not do anything about it

Jk: let's make out before kids wake up

Tae: jungkook pls let me go (looked away)

Jk: taetae

Jungkook start kissing his chest and about to open his blouse knots


He get up form his lap and run away form their room , jungkook is bit surprised

Because tae never do anything like these before

Jk: I did something wrong or what

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