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  Fillydelphia's heavily polluted air hurt Screech's nose. Thick smoke and ash filled the streets. Entire city blocks were on fire. Burning ponies lay dead in the streets. Ponies hung from roof tops and trees. Limbs yanked from their bodies deocrated street signs. The bat pony could barely track her target through the smog.

  Screech found a little shed behind a half rotted cabin. Her nose sniffed out the secret passage in seconds.

  Under the shed was a pitch black room barely big enough to fit three ponies. There was not enough food or water to keep a pony alive for more than two weeks.

  Ginger Twist cowered in the corner of the room. "Please don't kill me."

  "Your death is going to be slow and painful dragon," hissed Screech.

  Ginger looked at the intruder. She furrowed her brow. "You are not Celestia's guard. Why do you want to kill me?"

  "Your goons killed my friend," snapped Screech.

  Ginger faked a friendly smiled. "I don't have any goons. The other syndicate leaders made sure of that. I could barely keep my classmates under my control. The only two goons I did have I sent to Ponyville because they scared me. Didn't scare her into coming back to me. They didn't kill Adorabella!"

  Screech shrugged. "Never heard of her."

  Ginger breathed a sigh of relief. "She and I a kindred spirits."

  "Not friends?"

  "Sydicate leaders can't have freinds," said Ginger." If you want to live a week with my job you need to keep every pony at a forelegs length."

  Screech turned and walked toward the exit.

  "Wait!" Ginger grabbed a small box off the floor and opened it. Gems glittered. "I have money. If you can get me to Ponyville I will give you more bits than you can shake a stick at."

  Screech strared down at the meek unicorn. She sighed. "You did get rid of Spider. I guess I owe you."

  Ginger shook her head. "I didn't get rid of any pony. That is out of my jurisdiction. I only sell potions."

  Screech cocked her head. "Why not lie?"

  "Bad for business," replied Ginger.

  Screech hissed. "You have a deal."

  Ralph placed his helmet on Muffin's table.

  "How is it?" asked Adorabella. "Being on the streets?"

  "It is great." Ralph smiled. "I was a bit worried when I got drafted, but now I am happy and excited to be helping my fellow ponies."

  Adroabella frowned.

  "It is okay to be scared," said Muffins.

  "I am always scared," said Aodorabella. She thought it would sound comforting.

  "Ponyville is much safer than the big citys do to a relatively small syndicate presence." Ralph's smile shattered. "We potroll the streets with spears and clubs. The syndicate kills twenty royal guards a day. What will I do if they transfer me to Canterlot? Hundreds of ponies die up there a day." His eyes filled with tears. "I can't do this."

  Adorabella hugged Ralph. He sobbed into her shoulder. His tears ran down her wings. Adroabella didn't want him to ever let her go. His big fore legs were comforting. They felt like they could protect her from her own sucky destiny.

  Ralph let Adorabella go. He put on his helmet and resumed his patroll. He was gone in what felt like less than a moment.

  Adorabella felt her stomach contract.

  Muffins hugged Adorabella. "Both of you are hooves full. Neither of you cry enough."

  Adorabella felt stones pressing agianst the backs of her eyes. She felt so comfortabel she could almost cry. "I have to get to work." She slipped out of Muffin's grasp.

  "Are you awake!" shouted Adorabella.

  Bluberry didn't move.

  "Doctor Bar told me you woke up two days ago."

  Bluberry opened her eyes.

  Adorabella felt hundreds of rocks in her head, heart and stomach explode. Tears formed a puddle around her forehooves. Every inch of her body hurt. Her heart pounded yet barely felt like it was beating.

  Adorabella collapsed. "I- I- I- I am sorry." She wept and sobbed on the floor like a foal.

  "Come here," Bluberry croaked out of her raw throat.

  Adorabella flew into Bluberry's one remaining leg. She held onto her friend for dear life. "We could not save her."

  Bluberry caressed Adorabella's mane. "I know. I don't blame you at all. I don't even blame Frames. She could not be saved."

  Adorabella knew she could not be saved either. She was hoping she would be dead before Bluberry woke up. Now Bluberry would be hurt again. "I am sorry."


  Ginger looked around the clubhouse. "Why do you live out here?"

  "Guilded handed over Luna's without protests," said Screech. "I would never step hoof in this shack again if I didn't have to."


  "A place where the syndicate is forcing fillies and colts to make weapons, potions and shoes."

  "Adorabella must be there!" Ginger handed Screech the box of jewls. "See you around."

  Screech stopped Ginger. "A pegasus followed us. I can't fly so I lured him here. You are staying put until he attacks. I will not let you lead him to Adorabella."


  Mallet carried a basket of apples. He stood so close to Adorabella their flanks nearly touched.

  Walking put a lot of strain on Adorabella's legs and hooves but she felt rude flying above the pony who clearly starved for attention and affection. Every few steps he would 'accidently' touch his hoof to hers. It was almost as cute as it was sad.


  Ruffer set the clubhouse on fire. He stood on the other side of the bridge and waited. The blades on the fronts of his wings shined red under the hot glow.

  Ginger ran out of the clubhouse. She blasted an arc of fire out of her horn.

  Ruffer flew up and toward Ginger.

  Screech burst out of the roof and flew down toward Ruffer. Her one wing extended.

  Ruffer turned hard the blades on his wing sliced Screeche's wing. He lost control and crashed into the burning shack.

  "Your wing!" yelled Ginger.

  Screech looked at her wing. It was dripping blood but it was only a small cut. She kicked Ruffer's severed wing into the moat. "I will take you to Adorabella in the morning."

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