the hunter 13

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The hunter is walking through a empty street. He is breathing heavily. His inner phycho is screaming for a prey. But.... He want that beauty.... He want that beauti's blood in his hands. He felt his hands are shivering. Passing everyday... His thirst for blood is increasing... He is thinking that is is become deaf..... He wants to hear screams..... Begs.......

Suddenly... From some where a man appered infront of him. He looked that man and his creepy smirk. He looked at him in confusion. But in a blink of eyes that man's hands moved in the air in various position. That hunter felt his body is paining several places. He looked at his body and widened his eyes seeing blood is oozing out from different places .  yet he doesn't feel any pain. He looked back at the man but there was no one. He looked around like a mad person.....

After 2 minutes that hunter felt his body is burning......he touched his wounds.... He screamed in pain. His screaming echoed in the whole area. He is trying to touch the wounds but... In every touch the pain is increasing. He thore away his shirt. Hr screamed loudly..

Hunter : who.... Who the hell are you..... Come infront of me.... Come.... You bitch.

A devilish smirk formed in the person who is standing in the dark. He spin his knife. He wiped the blood from the knife with his glowsed fingures. He chuckled hearing that hunter's scream again and again...

??!: you asked for this...... You awake agust D from min yoongi.that fvcking jin... What medicine he used in's fun hearing his screams.

That hunter knelt in the ground. Saliva is dripping from his mouth. His body have 7 more wounds. Blood is dripping from each wound. He panted heavily....

Otherside... The same time..... Jungkook heared his screams throgh the small microphone. A dark smirk formed in his lips. He threw it away and looked the heaven laying under him. He increase his speed to hear his moon's heavenly moans.


The hunter is running throgh the street panting heavily. Passing time the pain is increasing. He cursed loudly and run to find any solution for his pain. Suddenly he fell infront of a car. The door wide opened and a handsom man went out and helped him to stant.

??!!: oh my god... What happened to you. Who did this.

Hunter : ( he glared at him) i don't know.

??!!: plzzz calm down. If you want I can help you. I'm a doctor. Dr. Kim seokjin.

That hunter again glared at him. Jin smiled at him.. Really a smile. He walked towards his car and opened to bring a bag. He placed the bag above the car. He took some medicines and cotton. His eyes narrowed and he mixed some medicines back facing that man. He walked towards him.

Jin : ab..... Plzz show your hand. This is for reducing pain.

That hunter thinks for a moment... But the pain in his body made  him to show his hand. Jin very p,rofessionally injected him that medicine. After that he slowly dressed the wounds.

Jin : well... Its ok... Now take care

That hunter looked at his face. Jin turned arount and other's eyes stuck on his back. He licked his lips.

Hunter:( in mind) after that beauty... I will consider you....nothing at all you helped me... So  decently you deserve a reward.


The hunter is walking again... He felt his hands are not strong enogh... Something wrong with his body. Suddenly he bumbed into a man. That man turned around and gives a hard punch on other's jaw. He strumbled and fell on the ground. He looked at him in wtf look. That man picked him and glared at his eyes. That hunter's eyes stuck on other's dragon eyes.

Nmjoon : the fvck.... Dare to hit on me bast.ered......

He began to punch him. Already he is feeling weak  and now  he can't protest against the punch. Namjoon kicked him.

Namjoon : devil... You don't know will happen to you for hitting on me.

With that namjoon tied the hunter near empty building. That hunter even don't know what has  he done... And who is he. Namjoon give a last kick and left the room. The hunter felt his body is gives up and he fell on unconscious.


Jungkook get up from other's naked sweatty body and looked at him. Taehyung smile at him shyly... He is trying to open his eyes that going to close because of tiredness. Jungkook chuckled at him and  kissed his forehead and rubbed his nose on  other's cheeks. Taehyung hummed in content and slowly drifted into sleep. He stood from the bed and bring wet towel and cleaned his love. Jungkook covered him with a fluffy duvet and wore his sweat pant. He sat on the couch and connect his ear phone.

He closed his eyes and leaned to the head rest. His mind is concentrating the deep silence suddenly his face bright up and lips curved in to a smirk.

That hunter is unconsciously laying on the floor. His hands are tied behind him. He felt a sudden feeling forming in his abdominal ares. He shoots open his eyes. He looked down .he saw   a bulge on his lower area. His mind went blank. How is this happening. He tried to calm himself. The arosal feel went more and he screamed in pain. He tried to ease that with his legs but... All in vein.. His hands also tied behind .  he can't do anythind. He wiggled at the floor. He lay on his stomack but... It was the  wrong desition he took  in his whole life. The pressure increasing in his bulg becuase of that  his pain also increased . He cried in helpless..... He cursed loudly.... Poor hunter he doesn't even know the power of seok jin's medicine.

Passing time his pain increased and he screamed helplessly. He rolled on the floor. He  even cried. Begged.... After an hour he somehow released the load.  he sigh for a moment.... But after the 5 minute.... He again felt the pain.... And this time  it long for hours.... And this time he got  no release from the pain.



Jungkook's face calmed in satisfaction. He removed the microphone. He climbed on the bed. He smelled other's fragrance now mixed with his own. His mind being crazy.... He looked closer to other's face. His hungry yet loving eyes carefully devour other's perfect features. He slowly kissed all over his face.

Jungkook : you don't know princess... What you are doing to me.... You are driving me  crazy... I'm already a crazy man ..... This is too much for me.... I will punish him.... To touch what's mine..... He did a sin.... A sin that has  forgivenes... Until his death... He will endure this punishment.... You are mine.... I became a human... Only for you..... Only for my moon....

He sneaked inside the duvet and pulled  other's body more closer to him. He let out a breath and nuzzled his face into other's fluffy chest and closed his eyes.

On the other side the hunter is screaming and begging not knowing....


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