A Hotel Welcome

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It seemed to be just an ordinary day here in hell. Random fires sprouting about, some people fucking in a corner of an ally, hitmen killing all around, the usual. But this dog isn't here to site see. No, this girl is on a mission for investigation. Her boss was getting curious on what the hell is going on with this Hotel shit was and wanted to see if it would be a threat to business. And he thought it would be a good idea to send his zero experienced new spy rookie to check it out. To think, after a month of being dead, her new boss ends up throwing her to the sharks on her first day on the job. But beggars can't be choosers she supposed.

"Well, this must be the place." The Pimple girl said looking up from her phone playing the viral video of the princess of Hell beating the shit out of channel 666 news's hostess Surge. All in all, the building itself didn't look half bad. The place had like ten stories, was painted red, and had flashing pink and yellow lights all around it. However, there is a front half of a ship attached to the front left side of the building when looking at it. It looks a little off, but hey, who's this girl to judge on architecture that she literally knows nothing about.

"Okay Buffy, you can do this. Just as casual." The black and red hound then gave three knocks on the front door, waiting for a reply. She heard a muffled voice before the door opened revealing a purple cat demoness looking like she's just done with anyone's shit for the day.

"Look, whoever you are, know that I'm not in the mood for any scams, advertisements, or whatever the fuck you're trying to sell. So just go home if you're wasting my time." As she was about to close the door, Buffy panicky told her she's not here to sell anything.

"Sigh, look, I don't have time for this. So, whatever you got to say, make it quick."

"I, um...I'm here to sign in!"

The cat's face then went from annoyed to confusion. "What?"

"I uh, heard that the princess wants Sinners to go to heaven from the news. I was wondering if I could sign up."


"I mean, better then dealing with these fuckheads down here until I'm double dead, am I right?" She giggles awkwardly.

There was thirty seconds of silence before the cat told her to wait a sec and closed the door. Buffy then used her canine ears to try and listen in.

"Blaze, what's the matter?" a new higher pitch voice asked to what she assumes is the cat lady.

"There's a bat demon asking to sign in." 

"Wait, really?!"

"Amy hold o-"

The princess of hell itself then came bursting out the front door, which scared the shit out of Buffy.

"Hello, welcome to the Happy Hotel! I'm Amy and I know you are going to love it here!" she exclaimed while almost breaking Buffy's clawed paw with how fast she's shaking it. 

"Babe, we've talk about this. You need to tone it on the first meet. We don't want to scare them away." Blaze said with an exhausted sigh.

"Oh, right. So sorry." Amy then puts some distance between her and a now a little overwelled Buffy. "I'm just so excited to finally have a possible new resident!"

"It's fine, fine, what girl hasn't experienced some form of random energy in their lives." Buffy said while holding her now aching paw.     

"Oh! And where are my manners? I never even asked for your name!"

"Uh, Buffy."

"Well, Buffy, welcome to the Happy Hotel!"

"Wait, 'Happy'? Didn't the hotel sign say 'Hazbin'?"

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