A Puppet and Her Strings

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Today was like any other annoying day at work, at least for this fashion overlord. Once again, Zeena has to remind everyone in her fashion servants why she's in charge. She had to check on what outfits they made and was thoroughly disappointed with what she saw.

"No. No. Unacceptable. Your definitely fired. Oh, come on, writs ruffles? What is this, 1750? Burn it like the witches who ware it!"

The green Zeti demoness groans as she takes a seat in her office chair. It's only still morning and she's already craving for the day to end. Just then, her cell starts to ring from her shirt pocket. With an exhausted sigh, she pulls out her cell to see a familiar S logo on the screen. She hums to herself as she wonders what her flat face friend needs now on a busy day in the fashion tower.


The porn studio was busy in different ways, however. As in its pimp boss is too busy throwing another tantrum in his luxurious office to see anyone. 

You see, it's been around two weeks since Rouge Dusk moved out of the studio to stay at that stupid hotel, and it's been driving Valannik crazy. With his favorite employee now having more nights off, that means there is chance of them falling behind on filming. And falling behind means a chance of less money for him, and the Porn Overlord can't have that.

That little slut, thinking she can do whatever she wants now she's living under that princess bitch's roof. Well, she's got another thing coming with twice the work now. Val thought to himself as he breaks more of his wine glasses and tables. Since he has the money to replace anything he wants, he never has to worry about breaking his stuff when he's angry.

He then starts hearing his cell playing the ringtone saved on his boyfriend's number. Thank God, I really need a good distraction.

"Hey babe, listen. Work has been really stressful, and I feel we should...relieve it if you know what I mean." The moth pimp chuckles. His horny smirk quickly morphed into a frown the more his serious partner talked.

"Sigh, fine. I'm on my way now." Val hangs up and yelled for one of his many robot maids. "Kitty, get my lunch to go! And know if it doesn't stay fresh once I'm in the TV tower's office, you'll be in parts and services for a month!"   


 As Zeena was enjoying her favorite hell berry oatmeal bars with a Martini, and Valannik having hell ham with corn and red wine. The Overlord who invited them in his private break room finally arrived.

"Evening Stone, a pleasure as always. Now, mind telling us why you made me take an early lunch on a busy day?" Zeena asked.

"Well, Ze, my green deva. One of my new spies gave me some serious news last night. The Radio Demon is back."

Both Ze and Val stop mid bite from their food in shock.

"Really? I thought he was gone for good at this point." Val said.

"Yeah, that fossil was quiet for almost a decade now. Honestly thought the Angels got to him years ago."

"Yeah, well he's not. And right now, he's making his stay in that Hotel everyone's been obsessing about in Hell-Tube. So, our goal right now is to make sure no deal will strike between Lucifer's brat and that smiling freak." Stone takes a sip of his liquor.

"And how exactly are we supposed to stop it?"

"Just sent the spy back to put something inside them. That's how I get my bitches to behave."

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