5. What just happened?

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Happy Birthday Sabo! March 20th

"Miss Rhys, I want you to go for a mission. You just need to get hold of the devil fruit called Hobi Hobi no mi. I heard it's currently in the hold of a pirate crew called Dynamites. Consider it as a test to prove you worth." Doflamingo said as he sipped his wine.

"If it's a test, I'll make sure I pass it Young master. Is it just me or is there anyone else?" you asked. Doffy pointed at Rosinante.

"Him? Young master, can't I get someone else?" you pleaded. Doffy just laughed and shook his head. Even at the Donquixote family, you couldn't stand this man.

"Whatever you wish." you said before walking off. Corazon followed and cornered you. He placed his right hand on the wall. 

"What now?" you asked in an irritated tone. It would've been quite romantic if you guys weren't sworn enemies.

He wrote, 'What is the problem with working with me?'

"You itself. I can't stand you." you said bluntly. His eyes twitched.

'As if you are any better'

"Watch what you say or write, Corazon"

'or what'

You gritted your teeth in frustration, "Whatever, banana head". 

He looked taken aback, then wrote, 'mud eyes'


'Bossy wannabe'

"Giant banana"

'short stack'

Well, during your and Corazon's competition of teasing each other, Baby 5 and Buffalo happened to walk by.

"Aww. They look so cute" Baby 5 commented- You and Corazon were literally trying not to tear each other at this moment. Your relationship at this moment is kinda like Sanji's and Zoro's.

"Come on Baby 5. We must leave them alone." Buffalo said pulling Baby 5 away. "Awwe I wanted to watch more."

Suddenly an idea stuck your mind. You stomp Corazon's leg hard.

But, turns out it wasn't a great idea.

Corazon took his right hand out of reflex, causing him to loose his balance and 'accidently' kiss you.

You eyes widened. Your brain went numb. After a moment or two, you successfully regained your senses and punched him in his stomach.

"What the- you just took my first kiss. Bastard." you said before walking off. 

It was my first kiss too, y/n. 

You rushed to your room and fell to your bed.  You buried your face in the pillow.

What the hell did just happen?

Your mind replayed the moment. How his face looked up close. His eyes, amber brown gleamed. His blonde hair shone like sunshine at dawn. His weird makeup.

You did a muffled scream. Gosh. How can I face him now? Wait, it was him who 'kissed' me right? You blushed hard at that thought. No y/n, maintain your cool. You are here for a mission. Not to fall in love with your enemy. Wait fall in love?

When you were in a battle with yourself, Baby 5 came in and announced, "Rhys san, it's time for dinner."

"I am not hungry dear." you mumbled. 

"Young master told me to call you for the dinner. He's not gonna be happy if you didn't come."

"Fine. I am coming. Just a sec dear." you said before lazily plopped up. Baby 5 giggled. You weren't sure why for. You just shrugged it off and followed her lead.

"Evening, young master" you said as you sat on a chair opposite to Corazon. You felt all eyes except Corazon's on you.

"Why are you all staring at me like that?" you asked. Corazon looked at you when you asked this and spit his water at you.

You wiped the water from your face using your left hand. Before you could say anything else, Baby 5 handed you a mirror.

When you looked at it, you saw your lips were red when you looked at Corazon, his lipstick was smudged.

"What the- trust me, you all got the wrong idea." you said raising your hands in defense. Doffy and others laughed at this. Of course no one believed you. 

"Corazon, you are absolutely dead" you said raising your fist before standing up from your chair. Corazon ran out before you could catch him. He fell two times in a row, but didn't stop there.

He absolutely didn't wish to shorten his life span by encountering angry y/n.






"Did that Rhys kid do this to you?" Doffy asked pointing Corazon's bruised face.

'Will you believe me if I said no?'

"No" Doffy said sweatdropping

Author's note

If you have any Question based on this book or in general, you can write down in comments. I'll do a Q/A session towards the end of this story.

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