Splinter's Phobias

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Like how Raphael has a bug phobia. Splinter has a cat phobia.

I like to think Splinter was always scared of cats for reasons...no one really knows and not just him developing the fear when he turned into a giant rat.

When Mikey brought home ice cream kitty, I imagine Splinter having a hard time.


Splinter was on his way to the kitchen to grab himself a snack. His favorite. Cheesecals! He smiled as he went to open the freezer but just as he was about to reach for his favorite treat, different flavors of ice cream began to form, shaping itself into a cat that got Splinter's eyes to wide.

Ice Cream Kitty titled her out and gave a cute, "Meow" which caused Splinter to let out a startle scream and slam the freezer door shut. He panted, as his heart raced. 'I had forgotten about her.'

Splinter growled to himself, hating that he agreed to let Michelangelo keep his new ice cream beast of a friend but with her being a mutant, they could not just let her wander around now, can they? And by the time Donatello comes up with a cure, Michelangelo would grow far to attach to get rid of it and Splinter never had the spin to break his youngest's heart.

"Why did it have to be cat? Out of anything else in the world. Why did it have to be a cat?" He muttered to himself, still shaken until he sensed someone behind him and turned to see his youngest son, looking at him wide eyed with his mouth agape.

Judging by his expression, he had seen everything, and Splinter began to look absolutely flustered. "M-Michelangelo!" He cleared his throat and folded his hands behind his back, trying to regain his posture. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Papa..." Mikey breathed before his face turned into a smile. "You're scared of kitties!" If Splinter did not have fur his face would be red by now. "No!" He yelled too quickly, out of reflex and Mikey grinned. "This is awesome! I didn't think you were scared of anything."

Splinter glared at his son sternly. "I am not afraid, Michelangelo, I was just...I was getting a snack, and I just changed my mind. That is all."

"Suure~" Mikey stretched out teasingly, causing Splinter to scowl. "So, why are you scared of cats? Is it because you're a rat and your scared they'll eat you?"

"Michelangelo, I don't-"

"Or were you scared of rats before you mutated?" Mikey asked, sincerely curious. "Michelangelo-!"

"Oh! Wait till everyone else hears about this! They'll be so shocked!"

Before Splinter could respond, Mikey got slapped upside the head by Raph who just appeared out of nowhere. "You ain't going to tell anyone!"

"Ow! Raph, what was that for?!" Mikey pouted but Raph just glared at him. "Shut it and get lost, and don't you dare mention this again or else, I'll tell Renet you still sleep with a teddy bear because you're too scared of the dark!"

Mikey gasped and quickly dashed out of the kitchen. Once he was gone, Splinter let out a breath of relief. "Thank you, my son."

"Eh, don't mention it," Raph brushed off as he went to the freezer to open the door, which caused Splinter to jump back. Raph paused to look at him and smiled. "You really are scared, aren't ya?"

Splinter frightened eyes turned to a glare as a defensive growl was threatening his throat, but he froze when Raph went into the freezer and grabbed a cheesecal from Ice Cream Kitty. He gave her a couple pats on the head before closing the door and handing the frozen treat to his father. "Here you go."

Splinter slowly took the cheesecal and smiled, letting out an embarrassed chuckle. "Thank you, Raphael." Splinter sighed to himself. "I can not believe, after all these years, I still allow myself to be frightened by a small animal."

"Join the club, Pops," Raph joked. "I am scared of things much smaller."

"Ah, yes, your bug phobia." Splinter nodded, remembering the times he has heard Raph scream and gotten tease by his brothers because of his fear of bugs. "I never did discover what awoke that fear."

"Do you want to tell me what awoke yours?"

Splinter thought about it, remembering how he became afraid of cats in the first place and immediately shook his head since it was quit an embarrassing story. "No."

"Then we're on the same page," Raph said as he began to walk away but stopped briefly to look back at him. "You don't gotta worry about me telling anyone and I'll make sure Mikey does not spill the beans either."

Splinter smiled. "I appreciate it, my son. Perhaps one day, I can help you through your phobia."

Raph snorted. "I think you gotta worry about working through yours first before you go hungry. I won't always be around to get your cheesecals for you."

Splinter sighed, knowing that was true. "Hai..."

Raph chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll get through it. Just remember she is not a normal cat; she is not a cat at all, she is...ice cream." Raph shrugged and then went off to watch TV with his brothers.

Splinter frowned, looking at the freezer from the corner of his eye. He slowly raises his hand to open it to a small crack but before he could open it wider, he heard another, "Meow!" and quickly shut the door again.

"Perhaps another time..." 

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