Chapter 37 - Mistakes

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TWS: Yelling, Screaming

SONG RECCOMENDATION: i don't know you anymore - sombr

Clay's pov:

A faint sound of yelling was heard as i woke up. George layed besides me, his mouth slightly open and his chest rose up and down. I gently shake him awake, he rubs his eyes and tries to bring me back down to the pillows. I stay up in a sitting position, and I don't let myself fall with Georges arms.

"George, do you hear that?" I ask him.
He seems confused, am i the only one hearing the yelling? Surely I'm not. George rubs his eyes again, now blinking to try and wake up faster. He sits up and goes completly quiet. More yelling heard from another place. Is it in here?

"I do. Are that the neighbours?" George asks me as he looks at me.
"Do you think so? It seems like it's closer."
My eyebrows go up and come together in the middle as i try to figure out where the noise is coming from.

I look out the window, it seems early. Very early. I'm not sure what could be happening at this hour. George seems to think that too, as his expression doesn't change from the confused face.

"Should we go see?" I look at George.
"I don't know, i mean i guess so." George shurgs as he tries to listen. We get up and start walking to the door of my room.
"Do you think it's in here?" George grabs my arm as if hes trying to hide himself.
"I don't think so." I kiss his forehead and open the door. George sneaks behind me as we try to look.

We walk out and search troughout our apartment. The yelling doesn't stop. Sometimes it seems louder, sometimes it seems to quiet down.

George's pov:

We keep on searching, making sure we're quiet. Finally, we reach to the loudest point. The yelling seems to be coming from somewhere around the kitchen or living and dining room, which are connected. We open the door to the living room to see Clay's parents.

Damien, Clay's father seems to be yelling at Lydia as she tries to yell back at him. She shuts her mouth when our eyes connect. Clay brings his arm back for me to hold.

Ever since i moved in here, or since i started to stay here, i always thought of Clay's parents as a nice couple. I've never seen Damien this angry, Clay's parents arguing. They always seem so happy. So what changed?

Lydia seemed to be in tears. I felt bad for her. She's always smiling and happy to help. It hurt to see her like this. It hurt me to see anyone like this.

Damien has now noticed where she was looking. When he turned around he saw us and didn't try to hold back. He yelled at us to leave them alone and i pulled away Clay who seemed to be in shock and tears which were slowly forming in his eyes.

His father seemed to change.

We watched him change.

Clay and i got on some sweatpants and decided to go for a walk to clear both of our minds. It was especially good for Clay. Better for him to stay out of this. It's just one day right?

I could hear faint snifflies, and yet Clay didn't look at me. He just stayed as quiet as possible, putting on a pair of sweatpants. Tears formed in my eyes too, not because of his parents arguing, though don't get me wrong but that is nowhere near what i care for as much as i care for Clay. But they've formed in the corner of my eyes because it really did hurt me to see Clay sad, the same things that were happening to me, now to him.

I made sure to stay as calm as possible, so he doesn't think to take care of me, just himself. I want him to relax, not be worried even more.

When we both got dressed, Clay took my hand and we rushed out of the apartment. The cold air hit our skin, the sun was just slightly coming up, to the point where the sky was two different colours. I don't see them, but if i had to guess, I'd guess there yellowish-orange and a sky blue, which i do see.

We walked away from the neighbourhood, reaching a few random parks and going past, where there were a few paths surrounded by grass. It was a litlle flowery field, i could picture it in my head, but its January. Which meant no flowers, but it looked just as peaceful.

SONG RECCOMENDATION: Euphor - Lowswimmer & Novo Amor

3rd person's pov:

George and Clay walked in the field, thier steps heard as the ground squished. It was slightly muddy, the weather in January was usally weird. Sometimes there would be sun, sometimes there would be snow. Usally, there was just rain.

They stayed pretty quiet, taking steady breaths and steps, making sure their legs wouldn't get tangled, making them fall.

As thier eyes looked up from the ground, the front of them was comepletly foggy, only things that are a few feet away were able to be seen.

"Do you think everything will be alright in the end?" Clay suddenly spoke up.
"I'm sure it will, Clay. This was the first time either in a long time or first time ever arguing. I'm sure there was just a small issue they didn't know how to figure out." George told him, leaning on his taller boyfriend as they walked.

"What happened to yours?" Clay asked
"What?" George asked, now comepletly confused with the question Clay asked.
"You've never told me what happened with your parents." Clay looked down.
"My Dad's parents died when he was young. He never knew how to deal with it and his coping was alcohol. At first, when i was 1-4 years old, he stopped. Tried. Than everything just came back." George spoke up, he shrugged.

Clay stayed quiet for a few seconds.
"I love you George." He wrapped his arm around George's waist, bringing him closer to him and kissing his lips. They broke apart and looked into each others eyes.
"Though that's no exuse to not let your own child have his childhood." Clay said.

It really wasn't. But sometimes people need help and don't know it. Sometimes, people cope with different things and many of them that people use nowdays aren't the best.

Hurtful, even.

Hurtful to the people doing those, thier parents, children, nieces, grandchildren, partners, grandparents and so many more.

And it always hurts to see things like that slowly overtaking your parents.

And than not having the parents, that were supposed to give you a childhood.

And everything just crumbling in front of your eyes.

But you can't 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙤 another persons mistake.

To be continued...

Authours note: Hello, i have had this chapter made for the last 5 days but haven't thought to publish it yet. So, im so sorry for the late publishin, but at least its here! Chapter 37, now we only have 10 more chapters and the story comes to an end. I don't think any of us are ready for this. For any questions, you can send a dm to my tiktok or ask here right away. Until the next chapter, goodbye!

Words: 1238

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