Just married! Pt. 2

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What happened here? I thought to myself.

"Archer?" I called out.

I walk in further and see a familiar pair of legs dangling from under a black SUV.


He immediately slid out and stood up, dusting his pants. "Eliot?" He grinned.

"It's been so long," he hugs me.

Now, I wouldn't lie, but it was a really dirty scene; me hugging him.


He was covered in sweat and had black marks of oil around his face and bare arms. Did I forget to mention he wasn't wearing a shirt or anything? Meaning extra sweat plus dirt.

Queue the ewness.

Nevertheless, I had to hug him because I did miss him a lot and who cares? I'll just go home and take a bath.

We chatted for awhile, about Arden, his studies, and most importantly this change of building.

Archer and Zac's previous house was demolished and this new one, a house over an unfamiliar ground garage stood in its place. It was quite big compared to the old one.

"Archer and I live over here now. Well, we technically always did but you get it," he chuckles. "We built this garage-- like a car repair shop for extra income. We could've built it next to our old house, but it was falling apart anyways so, we rebuilt it." I nodded, smiling to myself. So Archer works now.

"Where is he?" I blurt out.

"At the diner. He works there part time."


The next time I came after graduation, it happened.

He said those three words.

Does that mean I win the bet?

I'd finally graduated from design school after three years so Archer thought it would be cool to go on a road trip as a celebration treat.

What I had no idea about was that, on the way, on our last night stop in the forest, in a tent, gazing at the stars, he would propose to me.

I couldn't believe my ears at first but when it sunk in, I was quite elated. I mean yes, we had a strong long distance relationship going, dated for four long years and still strong, I didn't expect him to propose to me.

It was sureal.

I would give you the details, but I'm sorry I have a wedding to attend.

Fast forward, we spent our next year planning our wedding. We looked for a suitable house too as I juggled between my new job, living with Archer, and living with my father because he couldn't quite let me go that easy. Not that I didn't like being with him anymore, he is my dad after all.

Keeping in mind that I was forced to move houses so it was only fair if my dad wasn't left lonely.

And so here I am, walking down the aisle, looking around through my peripheral vision at all the people I spent my childhood with. My highschool years, everything comes crashing down.

Suddenly, I have a sudden realisation that I am about to cry.

"Dad," I call out shakily. He didn't hear me on top of all the music and claps.

But the person who stood in front of me made me think otherwise.
Archer West in a black tuxedo cracked me up.

He looked at me with his dazzling smile as I walked up in front of him. I can't believe he is all mine now.

Officially mine in mere minutes...

I went on the stage with Arden helping me with my gown. I stood opposite Archer, who then slowly flipped my veil and the audience hooted as he did so. Happiness booming in the air.

'You look beautiful.' He mouthed.

I blushed and smiled, 'You look handsome,' I mouthed back.

He smiled back, well he was already smiling though.

And the minister started the charge.

"Let me charge you both to remember, that your future happiness is to be found in mutual consideration, patience, kindness, confidence, and affection. Archer, it is your duty to love Elliot as yourself, provide tender leadership, and protect her from danger.

"Elliot, it is your duty to treat Archer with respect, support him, and create a healthy, happy home. It is the duty of each of you to find the greatest joy in the company of the other; to remember that in both interest and affection, you are to be one and undivided."

All this while, Archer stared into my eyes as I did into his, whilst he held my hands.

"Do you, Elliot Grey take Archer West as your lawfully wedded husband?"

I take a deep breath so my voice doesn't crack, "I do."

"Do you, Archer West take Elliot Grey as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He says.

"Very well. The rings please," the minister asked, as the crowd once again erupted in hoots, claps and excitement.

Zac gives a silver gold ring that has a blue Topaz gem in the middle, to Archer, who puts it on my ring finger as everybody claps.

Arden gives me a Diamond jeweled ring with a silver band, I put it on Archer's finger as everybody claps.

We're married. This is it. Husband and Wife. For life. Together for ever.

"I now present to you," the minister says, "Beloved husband, and wife!"

"You may now kiss the bride." His voice was hardly heard over the cheers and claps from the crowd, the music didn't help either.

But Archer wasted no time in firmly gripping my waist and kissing me, one hand on my cheek.

I am not going to describe how the kiss feels because it is honestly quite hard to kiss while grinning widely!

But after a quick kiss, "Congratulations wifey," Archer whispers.

I say nothing mainly because I didn't know what to say and the fact that I was blushing. Instead I hug him.

Party poppers blasts from both the sides and colourful strings of material rain above us.

Next few hours were quite a blur, the dinner, dancing, toasts to everyone by everyone, everything.

But I do remember that late at midnight we sat in a red Ferrari; with balloons and a 'Just married!' board at the back; went on a long drive,

And arriving at a cute, cozy, two storey, champagne coloured beach house that had a medium sized green front yard.

"Our new house, Ellie."


Picture of Archer in a tux and the rings!

8:00 pm, Friday, 26 June 2015.

2285 words.

I separated the chapter in two parts because I wanted to add more pics. :D


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