Chapter 7

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Alan's Pov

I am the middle child in my family, the youngest brother is Brando he still lives with our parents", I got interrupted.
"How old is he ?", she asks .
"He is 22 ".
"Does he have a girlfriend ?", she asks.
"He has even a wife and a son ,Brando was always a early bird ", I laugh.
"But how he lives with your parents ?", she was confused.
"Oh Cara mia our house is huge it has 8 bedrooms and so much more rooms that we have maids for that.I guess he thought that our childhood home was a good place for his son to grow up".
She was a little overwhelmed.
"What is it you wouldn't expect that?" I laugh.
"I mean Alan not every man I was on a date with says that he has a huge house with maids and pools", she laughed.
I'll definitely tell her what my real job is, but I'm still keeping quiet about where my money really comes from.
"I'll definitely take you with me to Sicily when I go again," I say.
And how I will take her with me once we are together, she will go everywhere with me. In the meantime the waiter brought our food, I had already ordered our food in advance.
I've been planning this date for weeks in reality. I knew exactly what she would take, I watched her for months. What she buys, where she goes to eat, I knew everything.
"Oh wowww Alan you guessed my taste correctly, how did you know?" she asked surprised. Oh if only she knew. It was a medium rare ribeye sliced ​​in a salad and with risotto. She had a slight obsession with rice and salads. I noticed this when I saw her going to Salad House Duomo every day during her lunch break at the college.
"Well a magician doesn't reveal his tricks Bridgette," she laughed.
"You said you have two other brothers besides Brando, what about them?" she asked.
"There's also Luan, he's 29, he was your friend Michele's companion at your surprise party. He also lives here in Milan, but he works as a bank clerk at the Central Bank here."
"Ohhh I remember him, Michele always had a thing for guys who knew money," she laughed.
"What about your eldest brother, is he married?" she asks.
"But of course he's the oldest, he has two children and lives in New York," I said. "New Yorkkk, why so far away from you?". "Roel has always been a fan of traveling and when he was in New York he also had the opportunity to start his own company." “Wow and are you all still in touch?”, these endless questions from her.
"Yes, we always meet in Sicily in the summer for two weeks, I'll definitely take you with me," she smiled.
Her smile is so enchanting, it takes me to another universe to see her smile.
"Now tell me a little about yourself, otherwise I'll chew your ear out," I laughed. She suddenly became quiet and the atmosphere in the room changed. I knew that her past wasn't exactly the best, but there were definitely parts that I didn't find out.
"If you don't want to, of course you don't have to," I said before she cried because of me.
"No no, everything's fine, there's just not much to tell, as you probably already know, I have my dog ​​Barney. He's like a little child to me, he was the only thing that gave me hope last year. My older sister hasn't been in touch for 2 years, we've grown apart I guess. My father died when I was a teenager and things were never good with my mother. "She always thinks she knows better and makes my life hell," she said.
15 minutes passed with complete silence in the room, meanwhile our dessert was served to us. Brownie Sundae her favorite. I had to say something that would break the ice between us again, then I had the idea.
"What is your zodiac sign?" I asked.
She looked at me confused, she didn't see that coming.
"Leo and yours?"
"Taurus," I said.
"That means your birthday is at the end of July, I'm guessing it's the 26th", I knew I was a bit wrong but she still looked surprised.
"Almost, on the 29th," she smiled.
"Okay now you have to guess mine," I laughed.
"Hmm I'm guessing April 23rd," she was so wrong but how would she know? She didn't watch me for months like I watched her.
“Unfortunately I guessed completely wrong, I guessed on May 20th,” I laughed. "Ohh May is almost what year were you born, so I know what I could possibly give you," she asked. "1996," she looked amazed.
"What never, you're almost 30, that's definitely a lie-" I interrupted her.
"But I'll be 28 in May and you?"
"I have 2003... 7 years difference not as bad as I thought".
“Did you imagine gray hair in your late 20s,” I laughed, and she laughed slightly too.
At that moment the waiter brought our bill, when I saw her take out her bag I was confused.
"Bridgette, I told you I'd pay, so I'll pay too," I said.
"Alan, I can't accept something like that, at least not on the first date. Let's may-"
I quickly went out of the room with the waiter and handed him my card. I went back to her.
"Let's go? I have something else planned," I smile...

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