Spirits of the Sky

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Spirits of The Sky 
Do you ever feel alone in this world? Feeling like you always don't have anyone around you that understands you? I feel like that all the time, I've always felt like that in big groups of people always being the one who doesn't understand what's going on. I guess it comes from the fact that isolate myself from the world and different cultures that happen in the world today. 

But the thing is I don't feel like this when walking at night. Night time has always been one of those things where I feel most connected with the world and the universe as a whole. I feel connected to every living thing around me and it's just pure that's the word that comes straight to my mind. 

I never hated being around people, I love it actually but I guess it's the activities that we do that don't interest me, I've never liked going partying or getting mad drunk I've always liked the idea of just talking and enjoying life around me. I've always loved the idea of coming home from those activities is walking in the dark It has always been a peaceful and blissful thing. 

What makes it peaceful is looking up at the sky where I can see the stars, it's a shame we don't see the stars as often as we should as they are a great place to just feel connected with everything. I always like the idea of the stars not just being stars but the people who have passed away in our lives, I always look up to everyone who is no longer with me to remind me that their always still looking above what place their soul has passed on to. 

I got the idea from The Lion King in the conversation between Mufasa and Simba where there looking at the stars and Mufasa says “Simba...let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at the stars. The Great Kings of the Past look down on us from those stars. So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you...and so will I.” 

To me, the stars don't just represent people who passed in our own lives but everyone around the world. they have assembled into something wonderful and a line of spirits who are there to guide us when we are lost, scared, or worried we can always look up at them and ask them for their help the great Spirits of the Sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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