Chapter 24

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Joey POV
I watch Y/n go into school. Little does she know, It's another day of planning right under her nose. She probably thinks I sit at home, jack off, play drums, and listen to Metallica all day. How wrong she is! When she finds out what I've been keeping from her, it'll knock her for a loop. I drive off and pull up to the band house.
Da boys are inside waiting for me. They know what's about to go down. Even da wives know! The only one who doesn't know is Y/n. I throw the car in park, hop out, and run into the house.
"Joey!" Shawn shrieks when I enter.
"Yo, Shawn!" I smile and fist bump him.
I greet all of the guys, nod to da wives respectfully, then go out to the backyard. I look over the decorations da wives have so graciously put up in preparation for the event that's going down on graduation night.
The altar is beautiful. The seating is beautiful. The arrangements are immaculate. All that's missing is my beautiful bride. She's at school until three-twenty. All I have to do now is wait. I text Y/n.
Joey: Hey babe, if I was planning a huge surprise for you, would you want it on graduation night or after that?
Y/n: I guess it would depend on what it was.
Joey: It's a huge surprise. So, you want it on graduation night or after graduation night?
Y/n: On. Is that ok?
Joey: Perfect, and Chelsea and Serina are taking you shopping tonight.
Y/n: Joey, you know I hate shopping.
Joey: Have a girls day! Enjoy yourselves. I'll send you with my card.
Y/n: Is it just to distract me so you can keep planning your surprise?
Joey: Maybe, maybe not. Come by after school and get my card.
Y/n: Ok, I love you. I'll talk to you soon. Gotta go to class.
Joey: Love you too, wifey.
I turn off my phone and pocket it. Shawn comes outside to check on me.
"We have a date yet?" He chuckles.
"Graduation night. Night after tomorrow."
"You're getting married. I'm so happy for you, Joey!"
"Thanks, Shawn. The only problem now is getting the girls to agree to taking her shopping."
"Maleigh will, and if not, I'll send her with my card. We both know how much she loves to max out my card." He chuckles.
"I agree. Y/n hates shopping, but if that's what'll buy me time, she'll have to do it."
"So what about her dress?"
My phone begins ringing. I pick up as fast as I can, seeing as Y/n is pregnant and soon to be my wife officially.
"Joey, my water just broke..." Y/n says in a shaky voice.
"Where are you?" I ask in an alarmed tone.
"In the bathroom at school." She whimpers in pain.
"I'm on my way. Hang tight. Stay on the line with me, Y/n, ok?" I imperatively state.
"Mhm." She says while whimpering. "Joey, it hurts so badly."
"I know love. I'll be there in a minute. Stay with me." I calmly tell her.
I can hear her whimpers and she's biting back screams of agony while on the phone with me. I text Maleigh, Serina, Sidney, and Chelsea to meet us at the hospital ASAP because Y/n has gone into labor. They all get back to me within seconds with an 'on the way' response.
As I drive up to the school, I hold the phone to my ear.
"Come outside, love. I'm here." I tell Y/n calmly.
"I'm coming out now." She replies in a shaky tone and comes out to the car.
I hang up the phone and immediately floor it to the hospital. We get there in two minutes and I take Y/n into the hospital as fast as I can. Seven nurses run to our aid immediately.
"Her water broke. I got her here as fast as I could." I tell the charge nurse. She nods.
I'm allowed into the delivery room with Y/n. I do whatever I can to make her comfortable whilst she's giving birth. I hold her hand, kiss her head, remind her to breathe, and then, my daughter is handed to me. Happy and healthy.
"How you doin' there, dad?" The doctor asks.
Tears flood my eyes. I'm a dad. I smile at my beautiful daughter. Her eyes look exactly like mine. Ice blue. Innocent.
I give our daughter to Y/n. She holds her close in her arms.
"Filia mea formosa, promitto tibi semper amare et curare. Donee moriens spiritus." Y/n mutters.
"What did you say, love?" I ask, ignorant in Latin.
"My beautiful daughter, I promise to love and care for you forever. Until my dying breath." She smiles and kisses our daughter on the forehead.
"What will we name her?" I kiss Y/n's head.
"Do you like the name Raven?" She smiles up at me.
"Raven. It's perfect. I love her." I smile at the love of my life.
The next day, Y/n goes to school and I take care of Raven. She's quite small compared to my hands. I spend most of the morning with Raven in my arms on the couch. We're listening to Metallica and cuddling. Raven has fallen asleep. I'm holding her tightly but not too tightly. She's so tiny. And to think I made this. Me and Y/n made life. She carries my DNA. My talent. My attributes. Y/n's heart. Y/n's smile. She's a perfect mix of us both. As I drift off, I make sure that Raven is secure in my arms wrapped in a blanket. I fall into a deep sleep.
When I wake up, Y/n is in my arms with Raven in her arms. Both of my girls are asleep. I take a picture of us all together and post it on my X, Facebook, and Instagram with a caption that reads: Family is everything. Now, I have a family of my own. I couldn't be happier. -JJ
I sigh, put my phone away, then wrap my arm back around Y/n and Raven. As I begin drifting off again, I kiss my girls goodnight. They're everything to me, and I couldn't be happier in this moment. This magical, never to be forgotten, loving, family moment. It's now my favorite memory. I dream of how much talent I could've passed on to Raven. How many hours I'll spend teaching her everything I know. How I'll make her my little protege. I'll love her unconditionally. With all my heart. Forever. I will protect my daughter until I die.
The next day, I send Y/n to school with my card so that Maleigh, Serina, and Chelsea can take her shopping. What she doesn't know is that when the girls pass the bridal shop, she'll be looking at wedding dresses. I've planned every detail.
Graduation is in thirty minutes, so I pack the diaper bag, get Raven changed into a cute onesie and fresh diaper, then put her in her car seat and drive to the school. She'll probably sleep through the entire thing, but Y/n will love seeing that we came.
We get seated in one of the forward rows behind the graduates. Y/n is sitting in front of us. I tap her on the shoulder.
"Hey." I chuckle quietly.
"Hey!" she squeals quietly. "You guys came."
"Wouldn't miss this for Download two-thousand-four." I tell her earnestly then chuckle.
"I love you, Joey. Has Raven been good this morning?" She smiles looking at the baby girl in my arms.
"Perfect angel. Just like her mother." I smile, kissing Raven on her head.
"You're an amazing dad, Joey." She says, tearing up a bit.
She turns to Maleigh and begins talking to her. I look at the girl in my arms.
"Raven, you're so cute." I tell her and kiss her forehead.
The ceremony begins. Y/n is completely last because her last name is Taylor. If we were married already, Y/n would've went way before the T's. When she walked across the stage, Raven and I stood and clapped, celebrating our girl. I put Raven on my shoulders and clap her little hands together with my own. My heart melts as Y/n comes offstage and gives me a hug. She takes Raven off my shoulders and holds her in her arms.
"I love you guys so much." She smiles as I kiss her.
"I love you too, Y/n." I smile. "Go meet up with your girls." I take Raven from Y/n's arms.
"Ok, love you. See you tonight!" She runs off to find her girls and Sidney.
Raven and I go back home and take a nap. When I wake up, I go get my suit from the closet and take Raven with me to the band house.
"Joey, is that Raven?" Kelly asks as I walk in.
"Yes, this is Raven." I smile and let Kelly hold her. "You know, I have a lot to do to get ready. Would you mind watching her for me?"
"Of course, Joey. I'll take care of her." Kelly cheers, taking Raven to the living room for da boys to see her.
I go outside, checking on the decorations and the seating again. Tonight must be perfect. I text Maleigh.
Joey: Hey, how's it going?
Maleigh: We're at the bridal shop checking out right now.
Joey: She found a dress?!
Maleigh: I advised her against it, but it's black and f/c.
Joey: That's my girl. She loves black and f/c.
Maleigh: Can she not be traditional for one day in her life?
Joey: Nope, and I love that about her.
Maleigh: Of course you do. How's Raven?
Joey: Kelly is taking care of her right now.
Maleigh: I trust her too, so good choice. What about you? Anxious? Getting cold feet? Hungry? Scared?
Joey: She's a mom of two kids. Gray is fifteen, and then Sidney is seventeen. She's got a bit of experience. No, I'm good. Ready to be married to my best friend.
Maleigh: I wish Corey would ask me to marry him. Can he not tell how much I love him?
Joey: For Corey, it's not just about love. It's about more than that.
Maleigh: I know, but couldn't he just hint at me when he's going to ask? Is that too much of me to ask?
Joey: With Corey, you never know. Trust me, he's my ex.
Maleigh: Corey and you dated?!
Joey: I almost married him.
Maleigh: What?! When?!
Joey: A long time ago. Before Y/n and I got together. Back in high school.
Maleigh: Why didn't you marry him?
Joey: I caught feelings for his sister. Stronger than my feelings for him.
Maleigh: So you left him for Y/n?
Joey: He broke up with me when he started catching feelings for you.
Maleigh: Oh, I'm sorry, Joey. I had no idea you guys were even together.
Joey: Only Shawn and Y/n knew about me and Corey. It doesn't matter anymore.
Maleigh: I've gotta go. Y/n is getting suspicious.
Joey: Ok, see ya.
I put my phone away and make some final adjustments to the flowers. Perfectionist of me, I know, but this day has to be perfect. I even wrote my own vows. Craig will officiate the wedding. Everything is planned, prepared, and ready. I just need to get my bride here. I text her.
Joey: Are you having fun shopping?
Y/n: So much fun! We got boba and went to a dress shop. I found my dress!
Joey: Can I ask you a question?
Y/n: What's up, JJ?
Joey: Would you marry me right now if you could? Like right this minute?
Y/n: In a heartbeat, why?
Joey: Come over to the band house and find out.
Y/n: Nathan Jonas Jordison, what have you done?
Joey: Come see.
Y/n: We're coming now.
Joey: Good put on your dress.
I turn off my phone and go get dressed.
"GET DRESSED SHE'S ON HER WAY!!" I scream through the house.
Raven doesn't stir. She's sleeping well. Kelly shushes me, but realizes Raven continues to sleep, so doesn't care as much.
In two minutes, everyone in the house is dressed and ready to roll. Jay Wineburg even came. I embrace him tightly.
"Thanks for coming, Jay." I smile. "It means a lot."
"No problem, Joey." He smiles back. He's only sixteen, but we've known each other for almost seven years now.
The first camera to record our ceremony is set up and ready. We have six different viewpoints that are being recorded from. When we get married, the world will know.
"Four-one-one!" I hear Shawn yell from the house. He's signaling that the girls just pulled up.
I run out to my place at the altar and watch Craig follow suit. The rest of da boys, da wives, and da kids, Gray, Sidney, Simon, Jaxon, Gage, Alexandria, and Will, take their seats. Raven is in the front row on Kelly's lap. I smile at them all in attendance for our wedding. The only persons missing are Corey, Maleigh, Serina, and Chelsea. Corey will be walking Y/n down the aisle, and the girls will no doubt be running through the house right now to get out here before Y/n can question them.
As that thought crosses my mind, Chelsea, Maleigh, and Serina run out to their seats and sit down. The cameras begin rolling with everyone in their seats. Moments later, Y/n and Corey walk out the back door toward me. Y/n's dress is black lace with f/c beading and embellishments.
I notice her veil. My Vol. Three mask now has black lace on the back of the forehead. She has my mask on to hold the lace. She rocks my mask.
Just seeing her in it is enough to make me tear up. And I do. My beautiful bride. Walking down the aisle to me. I'm getting married to my best friend.
"Oh my God, you look stunning. How did you know?" I question her, looking her in the eyes.
"Corey has been hiding the veil for six months. After you told me to wear my dress, I just kinda had the thought and wore it." I can tell Y/n is blushing under my mask.
"You look amazing in it." I smile.
When Corey and Y/n get up to the altar, Craig goes to his place.
"Who gives this bride?" Craig says in his officiant voice.
"Mom and I do." Corey responds and lets go of Y/n's arm, giving her to me.
I take her arm and look up at Craig with a nod.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate and witness two hearts becoming one in holy matrimony. Joey, please repeat after me. I, Joey Jordison." Craig starts.
"I, Joey Jordison." I respond.
"Take you, Y/n Taylor." He continues.
"Take you, Y/n Taylor." I echo.
"To be my lawfully wedded wife."
"To be my lawfully wedded wife."
"In sickness and in health."
"In sickness and in health."
"In good times and bad times."
"In good times and bad times."
"For richer, for poorer."
"For richer, for poorer."
"To have and to hold."
"To have and to hold."
"Til' death do us part."
"Til' death do us part." My eyes fill with tears at those words.
"Y/n, please repeat after me. I, Y/n Taylor." Craig starts with Y/n.
"I, Y/n Taylor." She replies.
"Take you, Joey Jordison." Craig continues.
"Take you, Joey Jordison." She echos.
"To be my lawfully wedded husband."
"To be my lawfully wedded husband."
"In sickness and in health."
"In sickness and in health."
"In good times and bad times."
"In good times and bad times."
"For richer, for poorer."
"For richer, for poorer."
"To have and to hold."
"To have and to hold."
"Til' death do us part."
"Til' death do us part." My eyes fill with tears again as she says those words.
"Have you two written out vows to each other?" Crag asks, turning to me.
"Yes, we have." Y/n answers for me. I was going to say yes anyway.
"Yes, we have." I agree with her. "Ladies first."
"Y/n, your vows?"
"I've never believed in fairytales or even love at first sight, but then I met you, Joey. I may've been only seven, but I knew right then, one day, I was going to marry you. I promise to dream with you, celebrate with you, and walk beside you through whatever life brings. I vow to laugh with you and comfort you. I vow to always be faithful to you. I love you more than you will ever know, Joey. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Y/n says with tears in her eyes.
I start crying silently.
"Joey, your turn." Craig nudges me.
"Y/n, I don't need to tell you how much I love you. You already know I love you more than anything. Our relationship has proven through the highs and lows that we are stronger together than apart. With my life I promise fidelity, unconditional love, honesty, support, cuddles, and many many happy times. I love you so much and I can't wait to see what our future will hold." I hold Y/n's hands and look her in the eye.
"By the power vested in me by the state of Iowa, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the most important person in your life."
I smile and lift the mask on Y/n's face.
"I love you so much." I say to her then capture her lips in the most passionate, feverish, loving kiss I've ever given her.
She kisses me back immediately, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me back just as passionately. We kiss for a solid minute and then let go of each other. Our friends and family begin to cheer around us and hug us. The cameras are off now and I kiss Y/n again.
"I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Joey."
We sign our marriage certificate and then go home together with our daughter. After putting Raven down for the night, Y/n comes to our room and immediately jumps onto my lap.
"Wedding nights are said to be a lot of fun." She chuckles. "I wanna see for myself."
"Then come here and we shall see." I smirk.
The rest of that night we spent together was magical for us both.

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