Black roses

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After talking to Valerie, I continue my research about the Vanilla butterfly rose. Taking a petal to examine in the microscope to see the cells. Looking at the cells, I see a lot of Memory gain cells. This is the most important ingredient to making the medicine. I also notices butterfly cells, these cells have the ability of resurrection of the mind.

I need 15 petals of the flower. Each flower has 20 petals. I need to find the book though, I tell Mia that I need the book, she agrees, almost understanding that my shift is almost end about an hour, but she encourages me to take a day off. Heading to my car, I thought about Miles and Valerie's warning about Mia. I feel uncomfortable about Mia Rosanna. I don't know why, but I have a dark feeling that she is hiding something from me. It was tempting to learn about my past, but I need to work on my project first.

Maybe the library has the answers about the plants in the medicine, but the thought about my past still lingers. Everytime I stop, the memory about Miles and Valerie starts to make sense. Miles Lauderdale is a marine soldier in the city of Oceania and Valerie is a graduate student from Supernatural Academy along with someone named Nina. Maybe that's me? No, there are more than one Nina. They are close to this Nina.

I also wonder while driving is that ring that Miles wears as a necklace. Was he engaged to someone or he is already married? He is a mystery, I want to learn more about him. Then, I remembered Mia's warning.

Keep your guard around Miles and Valerie. They are bad news, just trust me Nina. I'll help you to recover your memories.

Now, I have no idea to trust. Should I trust Mia or Miles and Valerie? After getting out of my car, I found the Library. There are a lot of black roses. In the fashion world, they represent sophistication and elegance. Damn, this library is elegant with white to perfectly contrast the black roses.

Entering in the library to find a lot of rich kids staring at me. They begin to whisper about me while I just walking casually.

"Is that Nina Rosanna? The lost daughter of the Rosanna noble family?"
"I thought that she died during the incident."

Wait Rosanna? I thought that my last name is Villa, am I the sister of Mia? Ignoring the gossips, I look at the shelf of a man with sweeping blond hair. He's about his thirties with a black jacket and blue pants. For some reason I know him, another memory jolt me.

A man with blond hair begins to pull the lever from a strange box to see something. Then, someone steps out of the strange pod. A black rose mark was on her left forearm is the last thing I see.

The memory ends to see the man staring at me.

"Oh I didn't expect to see you again Nina," the man chuckled. Didn't expect me to see him again? I grabbed the book I needed for my research and walked away slowly.

"Nina if I were you, I wouldn't trust Mia. Trust Miles and Valerie," he shouted. All the rich kids begin to shosh him. Encountering a man with brown hair begin to scan the book while looking at me. I notice those eyes, they were red as blood. After getting the book check out, I started to leave the library when he whispered through his phone, "we found her."

They found me? Pushing that aside to see that he left a black rose and another rose with gold highlights. A note was place in the bulb. I pulled it out.

Nina I know who you are. Mia is a far more dangerous person than you think. Research about your family, supernatural academy and the Daylight Fire incident. You will find out about your past.

I looked at the library for a moment to suck of all of this in. Those two men know who I am. Why is that the case? I want to find out why, but he stated Mia is far more dangerous person than I think. What is Mia hiding from me?

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