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They group had decided to met up again in the cafeteria before school.


"GUYS" Lani says almost as soon and they leave the dunkin donuts. "sigh" kai said literally out loud. "We knew this would happen" he said looking down at his girlfriend. "I had faith in her" Mya replied as if the girl they're talking about isn't right there.

"Okay fuck yall" Lani says scoffing. "But how can I not guys he's so uhggg"  she says opening the back door.

" you said u were over him in the summer" Maya sighs as she looks back.

"That was because I didn't have to see him but he's soo fine bruh like he was- ahh-he he called me-but his face-" Lani starts to ramble and hide here face in her hands.

"If you like matt so much why are you so rude" kai says backing out of the parking lot and grabbing myas hand.

" omg! You can't say his name bruh" Lani says looking around "what if there's cameras or mics"

"No one's gonna mic you in my car to see who u like" kai sighs and rolls his eyes. "Omg fuck you kai ur such a Debbie downer " Lani says and crosses you arms like a mad child.

"Lani what did he do to make you like him again? Be in your presence?" Mya says sarcastically. "okay it was your guy's fault actually because yall made me sit next him" she says matter-a-fact-ly.

"So u develop a crush by sitting next to them. Higher you standards" kai says looking at her in the rear view mirror.

Lani makes a face and says, " No its just he's so fine like I didn't see him all summer and he somehow got FINER!?! he's just so like AUGH!! AND HE CALLS ME LEILA!! he's the only one that calls me that like!?! and when he's like insulting me or whatever he's just like his face and his voice and then when he like leans back I literally almost DIED"

Kai and Mya give each other weird looks. "Kinky girl" kai says making Mya laugh. "KAI" Mya says laughing. 

"I actually hate you both im never telling yall anything again." Lani says huffing.

"No kai didn't mean it " Mya says reassuringly. Lani scoffs still salty. " tell her you didn't mean it " Mya says letting go of his hand to cross hers and gives him a look. "Okay okay I didn't mean it dang" kai says snatching myas hand back.

"You guys are literally children" Mya says with a chuckle

"You guys are literally children" Lani mocks.



"Omg when are they gonna get here" Lani says trying to interrupt Mya and kais conversation.  When they don't answer she goes to ask again "when a-"

"Lani we are having a conversation figure it out" Mya sighs going back to talk to kai.

"Fine wtv" Lani mumbles leaning against the car and pulling out her phone. 

Idiot 😍:  Matt
Weirdo:  lani


where r u

Idiot 😍
you miss me alr?

ew no die
we were supposed to meet in the parking lot u idiot.

r u sure
I won't tell I promise

I might actually kill you.
tell me were you guys are

idiot 😍
we're pulling in rn


wtf are you  texting and driving!?!
your gonna kill my bffs

idiot 😍
aw your worried abt
me and I'm ur bff 🤍

ew no I was talking about literally
evb else in the car but u

idiot 😍

chris is telling be what your saying and typing for me



idiot 😍

omg Chris
that was so fruitcake of u

Idiot 😍
a guy can just be himself 😔

whatever I'm sorry ig (Mya and kai are making me apologize)

idiot 😍

woah acting lots like matt here
giving me ptsd

idiot 😍
shut up I hate you
im parked in the back

matt 😒

idiot 😍
we r walking towards yall look up


"matt" Lani says looking up.

"Leila" Matt says looking down.

Mya and kai look over not realizing the group was there.l

Lani looks away getting nervous under his gaze and pretends to be grossed out. "ew stop looking at me ugly" she says and turns to nick. "NICK ITS BEEN SO LONG" Lani yells hugging him.

"I literally just saw u less then 20 minutes ago. "

"exactly too long." Lani says as the group begins to walk inside the building.

"let's go to the library" Mya says  walking towards it alr with kai.

the group just follows everyone in their own convos.

once the arrive they scatter around were there's beanbags and chairs.

"I don't wanna go to science it's so boring for 1st. " nate says with Lani and Chris nodding in agreement. "for real I don't wanna listen to them just yap"chris says  "on bro" Lani says.

"you guys need to stop complaining I heard Mr.vrmon is really chill." Mya says. 

after about 5 minutes the first bell rang and they were already late on the first day.

a chorus of 'shits' and 'fucks' were heard as they all ran to their separate classes.


900 words 😋

slay uhm idk if thus is good but yall know a Lil sum now

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