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lanis classes have gone well so far but now it 3rd period and she has her eyes out for Matt.

"Leila wait" she hears and stops not even looking at who it is. "yes matt?" she says still not looking. once he's by her side she continues walking.

"Imma walk with you" he says. "uhm said who" Lani turns finally looking at him.

"uh me like?" He replies smartly

"what If I wanted to walk alone?"

"well your not stopping me" he smirks

she scoffs "ew " is all she says before walking in class.

she sits in the very back corner but one seat up hoping Matt would sit behind her.

once he does she sighs acting annoyed. "are u like obsessed with me" Lani turns in her seat.

matt leans forward. "and if I am?"

"I'd tell u to get a life" Lani says as if she's not literally dying inside.

"your so sweat to me Leila" Matt says leaning back making Lanis eyes accidentally wander.

Matt notices and is about to say something when the teacher shouts. "uh can I get yalls attention please! everyone face forward." Lani literally sighs and turns around but as soon as she does she feels a light thud on the bottom of her seat.



matt has sat behind, infront or beside Lani in every class and Lani feels like she is gonna pass out. 

the whole friend group ecided to go to the library for their free period and everyday before school.

Lani, Mya, nick, chris, kai, nate and Matt are now starting to head outside to their cars because kai moved his right beside Matt's so they could all walk together. the group is kinda put into little groups.  Mya and kai (ofc), nate, chris and Matt, and lani and nick.

"my classes are good though I have alahna in most of them anyways" Nick says to Lani walking a little behind the rest. "omg where even is she" Lani asks.

"she had to leave because" Nick leans in to whisper, "her dog passed away". "omg that's so sad what" she whispered back. "right" Nick says continuing to whisper.

"what are yall whispering about?" Matt says slowing down to walk with them ending up beside Lani.

"uhm maybe nunya?" Lani fake guesses with attitude.

"ur so annoying" Matt rolls his eyes. "like u aren't?" Lani replies. "I'm not actually" Matt says and for a second Lani chuckles before realizing he's serious.

"Matt be for fucking real rn. all you ever are is annoying." Lani says in disbelief.

"nuh uh" he argues. "you literally pull my hair, kick my chair and insult me 24/7" Lani states her point.

"okay?" Matt questions then smirks, "but you love it" he says putting his arm around her shoulders.

"gross" she says before shrugging his arm off and while hes removing his arm he pulls her hair while doing it making her groan.

"actually stop"

"no" he shrugs

"Nick tell him to stop" Lani turns to nick but he's gone. "What the hell u made me lose nick!" Lani turns to Matt.

"nuh uh it ur fault for not paying attention"

"maybe if u weren't so idiotic I wouldnt be focused on arguing with you and more focused on nick" she sighs.

"I saw him walk away that's your fault u didn't see." he shrugs



meanwhile the others have all ran to the triplets car  it being unlocked, and are now waiting for Lani and Matt so Lani,  Mya, and kai can leave in kais car and Matt can drive.

"omg no they wouldn't stop flirting I wanted to die!" Nick shouts

"they are so inlove its crazy" mya says. "Yeah-OH YALL guess what Lani told us this morning." kai says making the rest if them sigh. "not again I lierally can't take it bc she obsesses over Matt and Matt is so blind" Chris says sighing.

"No bc for real like she will literally be blushing and than later all ask if he likes her and he'll say 'it doesn't matter she don't like me' LIKE NIGGA" Mya says frustrated. "ON BRO" nate says.

"because one time he was like staring at her post and he was all red and I was like 'yall are whipped' tell me why he said some 'nah she don't like me' and i was like 'so u like her?' and he said 'ew no'  WHILE BLUSHING LIKE!?"

"rightt and lani says the same thing she thinks he can't like her and she thinks it's just a crush to 'get her through school' " kai says doing air quotes.

"I wish I could put them in a room and just expose the shit outta them" Nick sighs. "FOR REAL" Mya says. "but really we would just be exposing Lani bc Matt won't admit it"

"your right but I'm tired of hearing her rant about Matt and say how she can't 'expose herself' " kai says


870 words

did I eat 🥺???

also that's ^ definitely going into a caption

anyways I feel like this is weird and everything is happening so soon but it's not gonna and imma have way more dumb Matt and lani just wait 😝

also incase some of yall didn't know the nickname Matt calls Lani is pronounced like Layla

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