Noah Parkinson,you little-

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Noah's POV
"Nice to meet you"
as i take her hand for a kiss.

"I've heard a lot about you ,Ms"
"Mabel,Mabel Richards"

as a confident hand comes forward without breaking eye contact.
"Nice to meet you too, Mr.Parkinson"

This is Noah Parkinson, the youngest son in the Parkinson family, also known as the doctor family

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This is Noah Parkinson, the youngest son in the Parkinson family, also known as the doctor family.  They have the biggest hospitals all over in Chicago and other parts of America, well experienced doctors. Famous celebrities,politicians mostly prefer their hospital for treatment.

"So Noah why don't you get to know eachother? "
says Mr.Richards turning towards his daughter whose eyes were fixed on me.

only me.

"Sweetie?" he said ,"Sure.. dad" ,were the words from her mouth.
Okay i won't lie,mine were fixed on hers too.

"Shall we?"
as i lent my arm towards her as if I was asking her for a dance.

I could see her arm coming to interlock with mine without breaking eye contact but we were interrupted by a disappointment.

"May-may" ,came a gigantic figure from behind her pulling her into a hug.
Bro I'm not gonna lie, she didn't break eye contact with me even after being taken away from me.

"Haha,he's Glenda's son, Rooney" ,Mr.Richards introuduces him to me. But we were unbothered, busy maintaining our eye contact.

Sometime hit Mabel after 1223445567707 minutes and "Get. off. me."
were the words from her mouth finally breaking the eye contact.

"Dr.Parkinson, come on let's get you introduced to others"
said Mr.Richards and he took my father leaving me alone with them.

"Behave Rooney"
"Maisy, come on don't I get a welcome hug?" he whines which was irritating.

"Meet Dr.Noah, Noah Parkinson,  Edward Parkinson 's son, just returned from Italy"
Mabel points at me and introduces.
"And we are getting to know eachother"
she cuts him off and pulls me by my arm gently and takes me away from him to a quieter place.

"Mr-" she sighs,"Doctor-"
"Call me Noah" ,I cut her, "Please"
a surprisingly innocent smile appears on her face making her eyes sparkly as ever.

Mabel's POV

How can someone be hot and sweet at the same time?
Did just say please?
i chuckled to myself.
Realising my state with him right now,  I stiffened my face and posture and

"I stayed in Italy..for a few days,you know business trip, and my sister frequently visits Italy for her fashion runways"

small smile appears on his face making his dimple pop with a "That's great to hear"

"What do you prefer? Raw?"
as I turned to the bar counter and ordered a drink.
"I don't drink" comes the voice from behind.
Seeing my surprised face,"Only when I'm on duty" he continues

"well you're here now?"
"gotta return back to the hospital after the party"

Hmm. Interesting character.

"So tell me about you"
sipping the drink I ask him.

"What you do you wanna know about me?"
as he comes closer to me,an inch gap between our noses. Am I drunk by just a sip that I'm feeling he was really close to me or is he actually very close to me?Flirting?

he gently raises both his eyebrows and his Adam's apple goes up and down just by humming.

He takes the drink from me and chugs the whole glass and leans very close to me.
Believe me very close to me that made me lean on the bar counter but still the muscular bod didn't stop leaning towards me.

He smirks and keeps the glass on the counter and tucks my baby hair behind my ear and whispers,
"Beautiful pearls"
he makes a slight pout.
He touches my earrings,"Pretty dress,I'd love to see you without them,duty calls"
he smirks caressing my collarbone and his eyes slowly stops at my lips and smacks his lips, "You got saved today little one"
he smirks again making his hot breath touch my face and cursing myself for not able to move from there.

Gentleman finally moves back from me,
"You and that gigantic bod? no match Ms.Richards, see ya"
and there he disappears amidst the crowd.

i sigh with relief
"Noah Parkinson, you little-"

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