Papa Oli comes home.

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"That was one hell of a night, wasn't it brother?" Glenda says as she makes her way to the living room with her coffee

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"That was one hell of a night, wasn't it brother?"
Glenda says as she makes her way to the living room with her coffee.

"It indeed was ",replies Mr.Richards reading the newspaper, "haven't I got the best children in the world" ,he smirks looking in her direction.

Richards reading the newspaper, "haven't I got the best children in the world" ,he smirks looking in her direction

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"Of course you have",as Mabel comes downstairs, "Good morning Glenda"
she kisses her cheek.

"I thought we weren't working today sweetheart ",as Richards signaled Mabel to 'where is my kiss'

"Well, yesterday was yesterday,  today is a new day daddy" ,she kissed him on his forehead,"And please remind Mrs.Hillary to prepare Papa Oli's bed and cupcakes, he loves it"
"Wait, dad's coming?" ,Glenda asks
"He said he wanted to see the grandchildren, Glenda"

"Hmm okay, i need to pick him from the airport i believe? " says Mabel ,
"See you at dinner,fam"
"You're not coming home for lunch?"
"i have a board meeting, dad"
"Don't overwork yourself",he screams at her disappearing figure
"I won't",comes a feeble voice but audible to the people sitting inside.

"Hmm okay, i need to pick him from the airport i believe? " says Mabel ,"See you at dinner,fam" "You're not coming home for lunch?""i have a board meeting, dad""Don't overwork yourself",he screams at her disappearing figure"I won't",comes a feeble...

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"Well, am i not welcomed?"
"I have work, Rooney"
"Beautiful,  spare time for me too"
"I don't have time for this right now, Mr.Black where's my car?"
"Sorry for the inconvenience ma'am,  Mr.Rooney's car is blocking the way"
"Rooney get it out"
"Why do I feel like I'm being left out always?"
"Cut the crap Rooney what do you want?"
she says and grabs the car keys from Rooney's hand and gets inside,"You're not being left out, plus I have a lot of work to do"
she drives off, followed by two cars behind her.
"Did she just agree to be mine, Mr.Black?"
as Rooney keeps his hand on Mr.Black's shoulders.
"I'm not sure,sir ,Ms.Mabel tells "K" whenever she needs to get rid of something that's in her way"
he says looking down while Rooney frowns and looks at Black.

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