Protective Sirius re-write

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Hopefully this will be a bit better and more fluffy than last time


"I'm sorry Remus... I just don't think this is working for us. This... isn't working."

"It's ok... I understand, Lily."

"Can we still be friends though? I don't want to never talk to you again."

"Of course Lily, we'll always be friends."

End flashback


Remus was lying in his bed in his dorm. He had come up as soon as Lily had broken up with him, the conversation playing in his head on an endless loop. He didn't understand. What did he do wrong? Was he just not good enough? Surely Lily had seen how much he loved her? Or maybe she had but had eyes for someone else... Someone better...

These doubts were swirling around Remus' head in endless spirals until they were interrupted by the dormitory door slamming open and Sirius Black stepping in.

Sirius' POV:

I walked in my dorm to check on Remus. I had seen him come up after talking to Lily and I was worried about him.

I looked over to his bed. His head was buried under the covers and was shaking slightly. I came over to him.

"Hey Rem. You ok?"

His response was muffled by the quilt.

"Not really if I'll be honest."

"What happened?" I asked, sitting at the foot of Remus' bed.

Remus looked up with sad, watery, green eyes and the most hopeless expression on his face. "Lily broke up with me."

By the look on Remus' face he had taken it badly.

"Well then, jokes on her if she broke up with you, you're the purest, most good person in the world and if she doesn't want you then she's missing out."
Rem laughed softly but looked away at my words.
Oh Rem, I thought, if only I could take your suffering away and make you see yourself as I see you.

"How do you always say the right thing, Sirius?" He asked quietly.

"Rem I never say the right thing. Have you seen me run my mouth? I get worked up and then there I go, saying things I don't truly mean, saying fancy, hurtful words." I looked to the side. I hadn't confessed that before.

"I don't mean that," said Rem, "I mean, yeah, you do let your mouth get away with you sometimes mate but it's that passion that counts. You feel so strongly and always know what to say. How do you do it? How are you so confident and easy going and able to go from one relationship to the next with no struggle at all?"

"Moony..." I protested, then smiled. "You want to know my secret? There is none. Nothing can ease the pain of your heart, all we can do is wait for it to heal. Don't look up to me, Rem. Gods know I'm not perfect. Or a good role model. I just... say the stuff I feel."

Remus looked at me, then at the blanket he was fiddling with.

"Am I good enough?" he asked in a small, quiet voice - so quiet it was barely audible, even to me.

I wrapped him in my arms. "More than good enough. Always."

And we spent the rest of the evening like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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