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"what are you guys doing here?"

Among all the people we have to investigate, it's the devil's son himself Lancelot.

"Just cooperate with us Lancelot and there would be no issue" it's clear that Draco was referring to himself.

"Okay so what do you guys want?" He was boldly relaxed, even if it means it's his room or should I call it royal chamber.

"You must have heard about the death of Chloe?" Said Luna.

"Yes and so?"

"We all know you were having a relationship with her" said Draco.

"Hold on just hold it, I wasn't having any kind of relationship with that slow attached poison, I just saw her as a sex toy that's all" said Lancelot who had his hand in his hair, like he was a model.

"Are you crazy?" Luna who was already angry by what he said, walked closed to him and was about to slap him when I intervened. "Hey remember we came here to question him not fight with him"

   Her eyes where still glued with the annoying Lancelot who had no shame to be doing unexpected things. "Fine" she calmed herself down and sat down.

"I though you were going to hit me pretty frog..."

"She didn't doesn't mean I will not if you try anything funny" The mood of Draco quickly changed making us all to sit tight.

"Anyway that's it I didn't kill her, so fuck off" he boldly said.

"Come on guys let's go" said Draco.

"Wait where just going to leave like that?" I muttered.

"He just said he didn't kill her, there's nothing we can do". Why the hell is Draco acting like this, it is clear that Lancelot knows something about the girl's death.

"Just listen to him and get out of my space, I want to take a beauty nap" he then winked at Luna making the situation disgusting.

"Am coming back for you Lancelot" I assured him.

"Ooh be my guest shadow man".


"What are you guys doing?" I confusedly asked Ozul Aamon and Jasper who were holding a dead body.

"Ooh hey bro, the thing is.........."

"We want to experiment on her body period" Aamon had no fear all over him and doesn't care if he got caught.

"What for? Did Aamon forced you guys to do this?"

"Actually no, our house is incharge of the death of Chloe, this is a direct order from Lady Delilah" said Jasper who was already smoking.

"So is our house now a detective house that she asked for us to do such thing" I was already getting furious.

"Well you and I know that we can't disobey the order of Lady Delilah" said Ozul.

"That's you not me. Am leaving good luck with your whatever"

"It's not like we needed you anyway" said Aamon like he always do.

"Just say you want the help of your big brother" Jasper wrapped his arms around Aamon making him to struggle from his grip.

"Shut the hell up, you red hair barbarian....."

"Bye" I said walking out on them.


"So who's next?" I annoyingly asked.

"I don't know we should ask Draco the leader" Luna was obviously mad at Draco.

"Hey chill chill my little princess, is it cause of what happened earlier your mad at me? Well am sorry" Draco was trying to comfort her with his words.

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