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"So this the house, I wonder if anyone will answer" I said as I rang the doll bell.

"Who is that?" A voice from inside.

"Were from Chloe's school, the school of vamps" said Jasper who immediately throw his cigarette and smash it to the ground, in order for it to stop.

"What do you guys want?" The voice asked.

"Ehmmm, maybe you should open the door so we can discuss " I said.

"Do you think am stupid to open the door for demons like you, so you can kill us..."

" This isn't working, what we going to do now?" I sat down at the staircase.

"Am not sorry for what am about to do" Aamon unexpectedly push the door open with his leg, reveling a middle age woman and two small kids and st their back was also an old woman in a wheelchair.

"(I jumped up and rush to him) dude you shouldn't have done that " I said.

"Did they tell you they were ever going to open the door for us, I did what was needed to be done" he proudly said ignoring the fact that what he did was still wrong.

They were all shivering in fear, but I won't blame them. "Hey calm down were not going to hurt you, were just here for some questions" Jasper was slowly moving close to them, with his hands up as a way for them to believe us.

"Okay" the middle age woman from the door earlier said.

"So what brought you all here" one would think the old woman has lost all her teeth and will to talk but it was the opposite.

"Is this about Chloe?" Said the middle age woman.

"Yeah we're sorry but.........

"Chloe's dead" Aamon interrupted by busting the news to them.

"So mother's wish came true, for Chloe to die before her" the middle age woman looks happy about the news.

"Who killed her? How did she die? What happened to her?" If this is the mother that was supposed to be happy with the death of her daughter one would not believe it, cause of the way her eyes were pouring out tears, her voice and body were trembling like someone who's feeling so much pain.

"Ma'am please take heart, we don't know who killed your daughter, but when was the last time she visited?" Said Jasper.

"That was like two years ago my baby girl visited" said the crying old woman who was struggling to clean the tears away.

"Did she tell you anything or did you nothing anything weird about her that day?" I asked.

"Since she became a vampire she has been weird, but wait there's something" the middle age woman was trying to remember something.

"And what's that?" Asked Aamon.

"Before she left that day, she mentioned something of her seeing people that have already been dead...."

"Seeing the dead, but how is that possible?" Said Jasper.

"Guys could it be possible the dead she's talking about is her dead boyfriend?" I asked.

"Silas the one who burnt himself alive, his family said they always saw him, before they all died in a car accident" said the old woman.

"He's alive, we need to call the others and informe them" I said as I rushed outside the Jasper and Aamon.


"What is this place? and what the hell are they doing to Luna?" I questioned myself.

"So you killed my men, am not surprised I expected that from a vampire" said the woman with a body of a man, holding different weapon in which am sure she has used them on Luna.

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