The subject 10:43 am
The wind flew past, the sun burning brightly. The grass bends to the winds will. The trees worming and shaking. A- "Jo? Joooo? JO!" A shake out of my daydream. Right. School. "Jo you are listening right?" "Yeah I know exactly what you have said." "Good. I don't want to repeat it." My name is Jo. Im a girl with shoulder length brown hair, and mushy blue green eyes. I have ADHD and I'm in the fifth grade. I'm in math class right now so doing a dialogue in my head would seem like I'm not paying attention but I really am. I live in Michigan with my mom and dad. There's a lot of fun stuff here. We have an old school house, a very open community, and a haunted shed. Well everyone says it's haunted, I don't believe in ghosts. I mean just because they don't exists doesn't mean I'm not scared of them but just because of rumors of those who cross the wheat fields to the shed never return, does not mean it's a ghost. I bet it's a kidnapper or something. I mean the last disappearances stopped in the 2000s so I think the kidnappers died or something. "JO YOU'RE DRIFTING OFF AGAIN!" "No I am not. I can repeat your entire last sentence." "Fine then." " 'and that's how you find an acute triangle!' " "sorry." I'm told I'm unique. Special. They probably mean my ADHD but sometimes I feel like they mean something else. Something that not even they know. That I'm destined for something. Or. Maybe it's just my mind creating story's again. I will never be special. I'm just another ordinary kid. "And remember sometimes the answer to a problem is to simply find the weak spot and break through. Maybe it's was cracked a bit before by someone else. You only have to look..."
The test 9:00 pm
Space. All I see. There's Kevin too but he deactivated a while ago. It's only me out here now. At this point I'm at only 10% battery. I think it's been a year. I'm surprised I haven't gone totally insane yet. I'm occasionally hit by a rock. Sometimes it damages me in a way that my inner processes can't fix. A while ago I got hit in my memory retainer. I have to grab for memory's sometimes. How did I even get here?10%... there was a... human? I think I helped her and she helped me...
9%... lady. That's what I called her. She survived unlike the others. She was the one who killed...? .... Her. That's who. And I woke her up again.
8% she tested lady.... Eagle. Blimp. No I can't remember where I heard those words... but I got lady out of there. We needed to kill her.
7% we shut down... something... some.... Gas. Guns. Brain gas. Living guns.... Neurotoxin. Turrets. That's what we did...
6% there was a.. button. What was it for?.. how could I forget. It put me in charge. I turned her into a vegetable. I felt so... good. The look on lady's face. I wish I forgot entirely.
5% I sent her down... where?... a... hole... the elevator fell... there was this feeling... an itch... I hated it...
4% lady and her came back. I... tested?... I tried to kill her... she got out though...
3% i tried so hard... everything I had.... But she always got away... she eventually found my .... lair....?
2% we fought. She used... defectives... I thought I had her cornered but it was the opposite. She sent me here. To live in regrets.
1% I truly am a moron......
Blue berrys origins
FanfictionBasically it's blueberry's origins! Well originally she was much different but then eventually evolved into what we have today! I hope you don't die cringing at my portal fan fiction. :,3