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Poke. Poke. POKE.

Go away.


Ignore it.


“What do you want?!” I yelled at him, earning stares from kids scribbling on desks with their erasers. Including Mr. Brawns, who glared at me before going back to his book.

“Do you have the trig homework?” A ginger (Seth?) asked me, showing off a supposedly flattering smile.

I found it creepy.

 “We got that homework this morning, and who do you think I am, Seth? I’m not a nerd.”

“It’s Sean, and I think you’re nerdy glasses and sweatshirt gives your disguise away.”

Oh yeah, forgot I was wearing them. I’ve had the glasses since 2nd grade and it still never feels like they are there. Probably because I don’t need them.

“Why can’t you do the homework yourself?”

“I don’t understand it.”

I wouldn’t help him; even if I was allowed to. I’m not supposed to talk to people in my school to keep a low profile. But I make exceptions for friends. Turning around, I go back to my work.

Poke. Pokepokepokepoke.


People turn around to stare. What are they looking at? Oh shit! Did I say that out loud?

“Perker? What was that?”

“Nothing,” I peeped out in my shy voice.

“Go wait outside the classroom.” 

I collected all my stuff from the floor and went to the door. I know from other occasions that he’s too lazy to come and get me, so I sit on the ground against the locker and read emails on my phone.

It’s boring, but at least I got away from Sean.


“So what did you do after you slapped him in the face?”

“I didn’t slap him in the face!”

“But I thought he asked to look down your shirt.” Rumors have been going around all day, about what me and Sean’s little argument was. It’s amazing what people can come up with and everyone in the school was in on it, even my friends. Just the kind of attention I need to stay away from.

“I heard that he asked you out and you rejected him.” Diana and Marcus dropped down on are table.

Rolling my eyes at Diana, I continued to eat my lunch. Couldn’t I have just a little peace? People were eyeing me from across the cafeteria.

They need to mind their own business.

“Nah, that’s a little far fetched don’t you think? I mean just look at her.” Shooting Meredith, my best friend, a smile and the bird; I wondered if the publicity would ever die down.

Some girls in miniskirts bumped into me as they walked by, making me jump a little in my seat.

“Spazz, " a brunette chick in too much pink said.

 They smiled at Marcus and directed a glare at me. I liked it better when I was ignored.

Looking back at the table, Marcus and Diana were in their own conversation about what they are doing for their next date. I growled under my breath and caught Meredith staring at me. She gave me a knowing look and rolled her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2013 ⏰

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