Oh honey, how blood drips down slowly.

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Rain would have been fitting for this situation; dark skies always made the shame less gutwrenching, but today it had happened on a random thursday at midday. The sun was shining brightly, it's light and heat bouncing off the tall skyscrapers making of Seoul an unescapable desert. Beomgyu laid lifeless on the pavement, his blood shining like priceless rubies under the scorching heat. 

Five hours earlier, 7:42 am.

"Beomgyu! Do you not hear your alarm clock? Wake up"

It's not like he did in on purpose. He was so tired lately from dying. Did I mention Beomgyu was dying? He had been for almost four weeks now, but no one really knew about it.  Death made it difficult to move, to eat, to sleep. Death was uncomfortable and cold, and it made his head hurt and his muscles ache. 

Like every morning since it happened, he got up, rubbed his tired eyes and walked to the bathroom.  Once there he took off his shirt and stared into the mirror. The hole in his chest had gotten bigger, just about an inch. At this point he could fit his whole fist inside if he tried. His ribs and lungs were exposed, showing a clear visual of how his breathing had been getting softer with each passing day. Today, he could finally see his heart. It was right there, beating still. Like an old locomotive trying to drag a worn down train to the end of the track just one last time. 

The sight made him happy somehow. He was not depressed, he was just tired so getting confirmation that his body was still fighting alongside him caused a quiet smile to form on his pale lips. "I have today as well", he thought to himself as he picked a washcloth from one of the cabinets and used it to carefully clean his body. He wasn't going to risk getting water on his exposed organs... though he'd probably be willing to at some point to take a bath, to sink himself in the warm water and let the world fade in the background. Yes, a bath when winter made it to Seoul, if he made it to winter. But that day, spring was still buzzing out his window.

When he was done, he quickly threw on a white t-shirt and rushed out. 

Four hours earlier, 8:34 am

In the kitchen counter laid a bowl of rice and some steamed eggs. Kibum was looking extremely cheerful while washing the dishes from the night before as he sang along to some old ballad that was playing on the radio, one that Beomgyu couldn't quite recognise but it made the air taste of goodbyes.  Lately everything tasted that way. Every touch on his skin; every note on his favorite song; every grain of rice and every ray of sunshine. 

As he sat down he could feel the sun from the window behind him hit his back, warming him up. He quickly glanced at his hands to confirm that on top of him dying he wasn't also turning into a lizard and chuckled at himself when he confirmed that no scales had shown up on his skin. 

"Kibum" Beomgyu whispered

"Yes?" The adult answered without turning back to face him.

Beomgyu had never called him hyung. It wasn't out of spite or a challenge to his authority, he just felt more comfortable that way and Kibum never really seemed to take it to offense. 

"If this were your last day on earth what would you do?" He inquired. 

His tone of voice was casual enough to drown out the melancholy of the words themselves.

"I'm not sure... " Kibum finally turned to face him "where would you take me?"

 That took Beomgyu by surprise.

"Me?" His brother nodded in response. "Why do you ask me?"

"Because, if it's my last day on Earth, I wouldn't care to do something I like. I certainly know myself too well; I know every sensation I've experienced and what makes me happy, and I'm already taking all of that with me. More of me would be boring. But you?  I would like to know as much as I can about you."

Oh honey how blood drips slowly || Beomgyu One-shot (It's Kinda Sad)Where stories live. Discover now