~Chapter 30~

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Justin's P.O.V 

I need to get Kylie back she means the world to me. 

"Scooter." I called out to him. 


"Can I date your daughter?" 

"No. You broke her heart. I can't let that happen again. Kylie is on her way here. I don't want you near her. Got it?" 

"But it won't happen again, I promise." 

"Justin you promised my daughter so much, but you broke the promise. How can I trust you?" 

"Let me prove it." I said with begging eyes. "Please scooter I'm begging you." 

"I don't know." 

"Please scooter. She's my life." 


"Please. I'm serious I won't screw up any more." 

"Fine. You have a second chance. Come on let's to pick them up at the airport." 

"Thanks bro." I said and followed him to the car. We drove to the airport and waited for Kylie and her mom to arrive. 

Kylie's P.O.V 

"Mom we're here." I said shaking her. 

"Huh? Already?" Mom said looking around. 

"Come on! I can't wait to see dad!" I said getting excited. 

"Ok, lets go!" Mom said and we walked off the plane. 

Justin's P.O.V 

There she is. My Kylie. She looks so beautiful. I've missed her so much. Kylie hasn't noticed me yet.. I walked up to her and stood there until she noticed I was there. When she finally realized I was there she just stood there staring at me. 

"Kylie I've missed you so much." I whispered into her ear while I hugged her tightly. Kylie didn't hug back. I broke away from the hug and Kylie just walked past me and went hugging Scooter. 

Kylie's P.O.V 

How am I suppose to react? Am I suppose to act like everything's fine? 

"Dad, you set this up. You are so dead." I whispered to him as I hugged him tightly. Dad just chuckled. 

"Set what up?" Dad asked. I just glared at him and we all walked to the car. I was going to open the car door by myself, but Justin just had to open it for me. I got in and sat as far away from him as possible. 

'I know you hate me, but give me a chance to prove to you that I have changed.' I read a text from Justin. I just ignored him. 

"We're here!" Dad said while parking the car. 

"Don't tell me.. We're staying in the same hotel as him?" I said sighing. "Mom you said we wouldn't!" I complained. 

"Sorry sweetie." Mom said and we all got out of the car. 

"Jessica, you and I are in one suite." Dad said. 

"What about me?" I asked. 

"Oh yeah.. So Kylie.. Things went wrong with the order.. So you have to share with Justin..." Dad said. 

"You got to be kidding me." I sighed. 

"Nope. Sorry sweetie." Dad said as we walked to the elevator. 

"What about Alfredo? Or Kenny? Can't I share with them?" I complained. 

"They are sharing already." Dad said while clicking his floor. 

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