~Chapter 14~

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Justin's P.O.V 

~At The Photo Shoot~ 

I walked into the building and there was a lot of clothes. 

"Well this is going to be a long day..." I mumbled under my breath. 

"Justin, go to wardrobe, then to the hair stylist, then the make up artist." A lady commanded. 

"Make up? Why would I need make up... I'm not a girl you know." I said and rolled my eyes. 

"Don't worry they are only going to make your skin more clear." The lady said while walking me towards the wardrobe section, wait more like forcing me to. 

"Why? You guys photo shop my face anyways." I said taking off my shirt and putting one that they wanted me in on. 

"Just listen to orders, and don't question anyone." The lady said, trying not to roll her eyes. 

"You know, If I was you, I would treat myself nice... Ya know, I could walk out of here and you won't get any photos of me, and you won't be getting a paycheck, now would you? I think not. So I suggest you start being nice and stop treating me like I'm a product. I can listen to orders, you don't have to tell me what to do,I've done this millions of times, and you don't have to be shoving me to places, I can walk, don't just force me to random places, I'm not a doll. Now can have privacy? I would like to change." I said shoving her out the dressing room. If she wanted respect then she would have to give me respect and not treat me like a product. I got out of the changing room and went to the hair stylist. 

"Good day Justin, how are you?" A man said in a French voice. 

"I'm alright." I said sitting down the chair. 

"I'm just going to brush your hair and make it look more glowing, thats all. Is that ok with you?" He said, I like how he is giving me respect. 

"Yeah bro." I said making a slight smile. 

"Alright then, only a couple of minutes." He said and about 5 minutes later he was finished. I thanked him and left to the dumb ass make up section. 

"Hey Justin. Take a seat." I gave her a small smile and sat down. 

"I don't see why I have to be in make up... They already photo shop my face." I said in annoyance. 

"Don't worry. I won't take long. I'm only going to put on this very light blush on you to make your skin look softer. Then just apply mascara to your eye brows to make them look darker." She said getting her stuff ready. What the fuck? Blush, mascara? No. 

"No. I don't want that stuff on my face. I'm a boy not a girl. You see, this is why I have people say I'm a girl or look gay every single day! I'm just going to leave." I said walking out the section and going to the photographer. I did all the poses as I was told and I was able to leave. Finally. I went back to wardrobe and put on my normal close. Being a 'superstar' is hard. I got in the range rover and Kenny took me to the arena. 

~At The Arena~ 

There was fans outside already waiting for the concert. I walked over to them and told them to quite down. 

"Hey guys! What are you doing here? The concert isn't for about 6 more hours! It's hot out here." 

"We will wait for you through any condition! Even if there was a tornado I will, actually we will wait for you. We just want to see you! And we did!! We love you!" One Belieber said. I love my Beliebers. 

"You guys! I love you! Do you guys have tickets for tonight's show?" I asked with a huge smile on my face. 

"NO!" They all said at once. 

"Well, lets change that!" I said grabbing tickets out of my pocket, I always carry some with me. 

"OMG!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! JUSTIN WE LOVE YOU!!" One Belieber shouted. I saw one Belieber start to cry. I walked over to her. 

"Why you crying, Shawty?" I said grabbing her hand. She cried even more. 

"Y-you... I-I lo-love... Y-you... I-I'm just... S-so happy! Th-thank y-you!" She managed to say through her tears. 

"You know I will always love you. You're welcome sweetheart. But there is no need to cry. I don't want to see your tears. I want to see your beautiful smile. Smile for me baby?" I said wiping her tears. Everyone else said 'awwww!' And she smiled. 

"Can I have a hug?" She said sniffing. 

"Of course! Anything for my angel. All of you are my angels." I said hugging her. I passed out the tickets and scooter called me to go inside. 

"You guys I have to leave, I have to do sound check.. I'm sorry, I love you guys! I will try to come out later! Some special guests will come outside to talk to you guys a bit." I said waving and walking away. They said bye and I headed inside. 


Authors Note: 

Sorry if this one is a shorter chapter! Please comment and vote..

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