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Time skips after 3 days,

It was Saturday, so tomorrow it will be a holiday from the company..

Yn silently got ready for going to her work ..

The last three days were not good for her, as everyone just saw her with judgement eyes and only threw tantrums on her

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The last three days were not good for her, as everyone just saw her with judgement eyes and only threw tantrums on her...

She performed her all tasks on time and got praise from senior but negativity from her colleagues and juniors working under her...

Yn ignored them because she got to know they won't understand verbally, so she should show them from action that she is worth it...

Yn took her bag and came down...

She saw her mother serving breakfast to her brother and father..

Yn also sat near them....

Yn: good morning everyone..

Yn's mom and dad: good morning baby...

Hobi: good morning sunshine....

Yn smiled...

Hobi: so how's work in company??

Yn: good ..

Hobi: hmm I'll drop you but while coming you have to come yourself because I will have a night shift..

Yn: ok oppa...

Hobi: yupp!!!

After finishing breakfast, yn took her lunch and hobi dropped her....

Yn went inside the company, after marking attendance she directly went to her cabin ignoring the glares on her...

On the other hand,

??: sir here is the information about that girl who reported our matter to the police...

??boss: what is her information??

??: king jeon her name is Jung yn, she is working under bae association as news reporter....

Jeon: hmm so she is an news reporter..

??: yes king jeon and currently she is in company only...

He smrik ..

Jeon: nice because tonight will be her worst night, she will regret reporting my matter to police...

??: king jeon what is our plan??

Jeon: firstly we will bully her, then we will torture her till the stage that she will think of her life, why is alive. Whosoever, will take action against Jeon jungkook will regret being alive...

??: yes king jeon...

Jk: you can go now...

He left....

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