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In venue,

Yn also invited her ex colleague, who used to work with her in her previous company...

Even though, she didn't wanted to invite them still, she wanted to show them their place that how wrong they judged yn..

Of course, now they were regretting and praying to God that yn didn't say anything to jk her fiance aka mafia king..

However, yn was so busy in her function that she forgot that she invited them ..

After the ceremony finished, everything went well. Now, jk and his family was going to their home...

Jk's mom: next time we will take yn with us, till then wait my child. We are really excited that you are going to become part of our family soon..

Yn smiled..

Yn: I'm also excited mom..

Jk's mom: ok so we have fixed wedding after 3 months, till then we will be meeting each other on every occasion ok child .

Yn smiled and nodded...

Jk touched feets of her parents...

Jk: ok dad mom, we will meet really soon .

Yn's mom: yes child we are also excited for our next meeting..

Jk smiled and waved at yn, she waved back...

Jk hugs the hobi and finally they leave from there....

Kuru: ok aunty I'll also go...

Yn's mom: hey child stay for more days .

Kuru: oh no no aunty, I have to go home my mom will eat me alive now because they also looking a boy for me. If they will select someone, I will surely inform you guys. Don't worry me and yn have already planned that I'll stay whole month at your home during her wedding...

Yn's mom: then good, because of your presence around her we are also carefree..

Kuru smiled..

Kuru: bye uncle aunty, bye oppa bye yn ..

They bid her bye and she left. .

They also left from there..

Time skip,

Yn took the holiday of monday as she was helping her mom at home .


Yn got ready for going to company,

Yn smiled at the ring in her hands

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Yn smiled at the ring in her hands...

Yn: i should go now..

Yn come down and saw her mother serving the breakfast on the table...

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