The Move

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Izuku POV-

After the fight, Melissa was technically orphaned because her father didn't survive. The idea was that she was going to move in with All Might but AM didn't think it was the best environment for her so, of course, my mother being the mother that she is, offered for us to take her.

Which is totally awesome because I love Mel but, like, I've never had a sibling before so getting one at 16 that's older then me, is gonna take sommme adjusting. I was walking to school when Melissa ran up behind me. "School doesn't even start for another hour, silly!"

"I know, I just like to get here early to be with my friends." I said smiling.

"Which course am I in again?" she said looking away from the ground and up at me.

"Your in the support course, your gonna be my new assister with gadgets and stuff!" I said smiling.

"Yay! I can't wait to have my own place to build things!" She said jumping up and down.

"But... they still have to get you put into your course because you joined half way through the year so you be with me! In the hero course, maybe.. a week or so. So you won't be able to build anything until later." I said putting my hand on her arm.

"Oh its fine as long as I get to be with my little Izuku" she said rapping her arm around my neck and giving me a noogie. (The thing you do when you rub someone's head with ur knuckles.)

Time skip 200 feet from the school-

"Omg! They didn't have this on the island! Dad always said-" she said cut off by her inner sadness.

"Hey, Hey it's ok!" I said leaning up to hug her. She hugged me back so hard my bones were breaking. "Don't focus on the past, just look at this!"

"Ok... Lets goooo!" She yelled grabbing my hand.

"gurl- ok whateves" I said.

Time skip in school-

When I walked into the classroom all eyes were on me because I was late. "Deku may I ask the reason for your tardiness?" Aizawa said, looking at me fiercely.

"Today's my sisters first day..." I could here the gasps from the class,

"Oh right... ok go get her, I'm sure that she'll want you up her for her. " He said with a smile looking at my legs, yeah, during the fight the "bad guy" snapped both of my knees and I was just recovering. I was about to walk out when Uraraka asked.

"Wait! Deku you have a sister?! how do I not know about her?" she said muttering the last part.

"Oh she uh.. she uhh..why don't you ask her!" I said hesitating. I poked my head outside the window and told her to come in. The whole class was shocked, but Kacchans reaction was especially weird.

"HER?!?!?!?!" He yelled standing up.he

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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