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Veldora's POV

         After rimuru absorbed me with his skill I am now in his <Stomach>. Although it's more like a subspace. It's a pitch black space with no source of light at all, all I can see is my own body that's it. Well I have to get accustomed to it now that I have to spend quite a bit time here analysing <Infinite Prison>.

"Hey rimuru! Can you hear me?" I called out to rimuru in case I can talk with him.

        No response came. It seems I am alone for quite some time again even after making a friend. I can't complain I guess. There's only so much rimuru can do for me. I guess I should concentrate on analysing this prison so that I can get out of here as soon as possible and be with rimuru.

        But not gonna lie I wish there was someone with whome I can talk to.

        {Notice: Permission from individual Veldora is required to get analysed information of <Infinite Prison>.

        Permission granted? Yes/ No} I suddenly heard a cold voice out of nowhere. It was like VOTW but a little different?

        "Who's voice is this? Rimuru, is that you?" I asked even though it was different than rimuru's voice.

{This voice is from the Unique Skill <Great Sage> of master Rimuru Tempest. I will be the one who'll analyse <Infinite Prison> by order of my master.

Allow the change of information from individual Veldora to <Great Sage>. Yes/No.}

         Whoa! Rimuru sure has a handy skill under his belt huh! He doesn't even need to do anything his skill can do all the work for him. And I can sense that this skill is nothing out of ordinary. Let's just co-operate with it for now.

       "Yes. I allow the exchange of information." I said to it.

       {Notice: Individual Veldora's permission is acquired. Information exchange will now begin and will be carried out until <Infinite Prison> has been broken.}

         Huh! Guess I should also get to work now that Rimuru's skill has began its work. I can feel exchange of information happening between us as it's taking all of the knowledge about prison that I got in my imprisonment time.

6 Hours later

         Ahhhhhh! It's incredibly boaring! It's a pitch black place and I can't see or feel anything. At least I could sense the monsters in that cave but I can't sense anything here. I can't even talk with rimuru or see what he's doing.....

         Hey wait a minute! Maybe I can see what rimuru's seeing if he gave me permission. But what should I do? I can't talk with him. Ah!<Great Sage>!

         "Hey <Great Sage> can you hear me?" I called it out in hope that it responds to me.

{Affirmative. I can hear you.} Great!

         "Hey can you show me the things that rimuru is seeing and give me access to memories of Rimuru so that I can learn from things that Rimuru does and did?"

           Well learning was secondary purpose for now but I am intrigued about the world that rimuru used to live in. I want to see how does the world without magic works and how was rimuru in his past life. But I obviously don't need to say these things out loud to <Great Sage>.

         {Negative. I cannot grant permission to this request by myself. Master's permission is required.} I thought so.

        " Well then, ask him! I am sure he would not deny it ". At least I think he would not.

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