𝟎𝟔. taking a zebra to Vegas

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SONG QUOTE: greek tragedy by the wombats

I love this feeling
But I hate this part
I wanted this to work so much
I drew up our plans on a chart
Cars are flipping, I'm in hot pursuit
My character's strong but my head is loose


your pov

"--Sorry, I'm just looking for my..." Your voice trailed off as you lost your train of thought. You looked at the little boy in front of you. "I was looking for..."

Confusion muffled your senses as you looked around. Bright neon lights lit up the interior as the smell of popcorn and a hint of alcohol filled the place. A song muffled your racing thoughts as it blasted throughout the area.
"Can't read my, can't read my. No, he can't read my poker face"

You were in a casino.

As you did a full 360, you looked towards the boy before realizing he was no longer there. 

You stood there in the middle of a mob of people before pushing your way through the suffocating crowd. The entrance was just a couple moments away.

You couldn't remember anything besides your name. You remember coming into the casino, but you have no idea how or what drove you to come. But it soon clicked in your mind that you were supposed to be looking for someone.

You remembered your father. Maybe you had gotten sidetracked and lost sight of him. That's probably who you were looking for.

Someone bumped into you, the impact strong enough to move you, but not enough to knock you down. You rubbed your arm before locking eyes with the man who had shoved you.

He had ram horns sticking out of his head.

Now you knew you really had to find your father and get out of this place. You felt like you were going nuts. He stared holes into your head as you slipped away, spooked to the bone.

"(y/n)!" A girl called your name. 

You perked up at the sound of your name, not recognizing the voice. Two teens were marching up to you. 

Questions began popping into your head.
Did they know where your dad was? Were they going to help you? Or are they actually bad people trying to trick you?

"I'm so glad we managed to meet up, we almost forgot about you! Aswell as-- Where's Grover?
Wasn't he with you?"

You were beginning to get freaked out. Too many weird things were happening at once. You had no clue who these people are, nor did you remember travelling around with a Grover.

The boy gazed at you nervously while the girl held up a strong front. The boy with blond locks tilted his head at your silence, "(y/n)? Are you okay?"

You stared at them blankly.

𝐋𝐈𝐋 𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 - percy jackson x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now