Chapter 1

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There was a light sprinkle of rain still, yet Stormy and Moon both handled it fine. At some point during their walk, Moon sat beneath a tree to look up at the stars through the patchy sky. "What do you think life would be like if the stars ceased to exist?" Moon asked.

Stormy shrugged- he knew he'd have to ask Silly String or Silkie about that question at some point. "Maybe our lives would just be a little less dull. Why'd you ask?" Stormy wondered, sitting next to the black and white tom.

"One of the kits at the daycare asked me that the other day. It's among one of the few things that's constantly on my mind." Moon chuckled, and swiftly licked his paw.

Stormy purred. "So you decided to ask me? I don't know a whole lot about the stars, you know." Stormy playfully huffed, before tilting his gaze towards the stars. "Yeah... Y'know, the stars are rather pretty. We should do this more often." Moon mumbled.

Stormy smiled, and playfully swatted at Moon's ear. "Why? Your fur is already like the night sky!" He exclaimed. "Did you just admit that you stare at me all day?" Moon giggled, gently shoving Stormy. Stormy nodded. "Mayhaps." 

Stormy watched as Moon shook his head. "Y'know, if the storms weren't so loud, I'd gladly admit that they're pretty. Like you." The black and white tom purred. Stormy purred back, before standing up. 

"We probably should head home. Cookie's bound to be worried... Or asleep." He sighed. He did enjoy the night with Moon, but the sudden realization came to him. Moon nodded. "Of course, of course." Moon agreed.

 The two cats had essentially adopted the kitten. He wasn't that young, but he wasn't that old either, most likely due to the werewolf genetics he possessed.

Continuing on, walking to their home, Stormy could hear the gentle rain pelting the leaves on the trees. He could see their manor at the top of the hill. It was a sort of ethereal gothic castle in a sense.

It was thought to be once home to Princess Andromeda- the final princess in the world before the Paw family line took over. 

Stormy didn't really have anything against the 'Paws, perse, but he was once told by Alulah that Andromeda was created based off a whim, yet one of the designs Alulah was most proud of.

He had wished he was there to have met her, but alas, no one in modern times would know of her, let alone, recall her.

"Storms, is something on your mind?" Moon asked, as they neared the manor door. Stormy smiled, passing it off. "Nah, just trying to recall if I get my pay this week or not." Stormy chuckled. This seemed to ease Moon's curiosity, and said nothing, walking inside the manor.

Cookie was asleep still, which left Stormy and Moon awake. "Do you want me to quickly make something, dear?" Stormy asked, purring away. The black tom dramatically sighed, but quickly agreed.

"How about some waffles? They're nice, quick, and easy to make." He suggested. With a nod, Stormy agreed and started to make some food.

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