Chapter 7

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"Come on! Come on, come on, come on!" A young kit squeaked, rushing to be by her mother's side. Her brother begrudgingly followed. "I don't see what's so special about the stars. 'Tis stupid." He grumbled.

Their mother softly sighed, as she flicked her tail, waiting by the door. "Be nice, thou two. I wanted to show thou all something special. The stars are a sight to behold, my children, not something to be overlooked." 

The larger kit huffed, before swatting at his brother. "Mom!" The smaller tom squeaked, as their sister pounced on the larger sibling.

"Knock it off, or I'll feed thou to the lost pirate of the seas!" Their father playfully scolded, gently swatting at the largest of the three kits, who was currently pinning both of his siblings.

His daughter squeaked, and quickly ran back over to their mother, while the two boys kept play-fighting. It took their mother separating them to cease fire.

"Let us go. The time is nigh, and this isn't something I do lack to miss out on." Their mother huffed, picking up the smaller tom by his scruff as her husband opened the door for her, and their kits.

The walk was surprisingly quiet, with the exception of squeaks and hisses every so often.

It was peaceful. The air was cool and crisp, just another sign that autumn was approaching quicker than once thought.

The path to the back of the house was one not yet marked, but it was perfect regardless. One the five cats arrived, their mother placed the smaller tom, and their father simply looked over the small drop-off in the terrain, looking at the stars and the trees in the distance.

It was breathtaking, even the larger son paused in awe. Stars littered the skies, purples, blues, and oranges all melded together perfectly, searing open the inky black.

"Woah! It's so huge! It's so pretty!" The smaller of the two sons exclaimed. "Yes, and now that we all have had a moment to look at it, let's get thou all to bed. It's way past thy bedtime, and thou need to wake up early in the morrow." The mother herded the kits back home but stayed with their father to speak.

"We need to talk. Thou have been starving thyself! This needs to end. Now." Their mother hissed, as soon as all the kits were gone. The father flinched back. "I'm sorry, but I- it's just... It's just wrong." He responded.

"Thou art doing what thou has to in order to survive. If thou has to, take my blood and drain me dry. I do not care if I die, the life of my husband is far more important to me." The tortoiseshell molly hissed, lashing her tail.

"Do you think I could do that? To thou? To thine kits!?" The tom looked at her, frantically. He didn't have it in him to do so if necessary. "Moon." The molly warned, before walking away to catch up with their kits.

The tom had lots to ponder, lots to do. If only it just wasn't so morally wrong, if only he didn't need blood to survive anymore.

Maybe he and his wife could've lived together happily, raising their kits. Maybe things could've turned out differently- could've turned out better in the future.

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