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The train pulled into the Capitol, and from the first car stepped out Enfys and Holly of District 8. Enfys looked like she could use a cigarette, but Holly kept her composure. Despite what the outside showed, Holly couldn't be more worried. In 3 days time, the Hunger Games would begin, and she would no doubt be immediately killed. However, she wasn't going to place a target on her head by making herself seem weak or scared. Deep down, she was as scared as could be.

Enfy's hair was messy and unbrushed, and likely hadn't slept at all. She didn't look quite like she was nervous, but as though she was tired of the Capitol's games. Like she could slam open the President of Panem's door open and stop the games herself.

Their mentor, Sofia, or what she was dubbed in the Arena 14 years ago, "Lightleckrereins", was famous around the country. Her win in the 52nd Hunger Games was notable, as she had wiped out half of the tributes on her own before the fourth day with just a club. By the time it was down to the final 3, she had accumulated 19 kills, only losing one to suicide and another to an accidental tumble off of a cliff. Despite her tough persona in the arena, she was a very kind-hearted person to anyone she talked with. Because of this, Enfys and Holly felt like they were in good hands.

As training began, Enfys had a hard time picking what to focus on. She didn't go to the rope station; she wouldn't ever take the time to make a trap. She didn't bother with archery; no way she's got the aim for that. Eventually, she settled on identifying berries and other food that may grow in the arena. While not something she had prior experience with, she figured if she can outlive everyone who starves to death, she'll be the last one laughing.

Holly on the other hand had no trouble picking what to train for. On day one, she took notice of a District 11 girl, and would always be one station behind her. She found herself best at archery, as she wouldn't do very well with up-close combat, she thought. The camouflage station proved not to be the best for her though, as no matter what she tried, her light blonde hair always stuck out like a sore thumb. She figured that she didn't have to be camouflaged to hide.

On the final day of training, and after failing time and time again at half of the stations, Enfys mustered up the courage to ask Holly if they'd be willing to team up. Holly thought about it for a long time. She wasn't sure if whether or not she should trust her, but she didn't think she took much of a chance against many other people anyway, so she accepted the offer.

Then, Holly got the idea to ask around in other Districts to see if they'd be willing to ally with them as well. They convinced Bryant, a boy from District 2, Ocean, a boy from District 4, and Musa, a girl from District 12. They had also asked a girl from District 5 named Brianna, but she declined the offer, and instead told them that she would be working alone.

This was still good, as an alliance of 5 wouldn't be a main target immediately, if at all. They decided that Holly would be in charge of combat, Enfys in charge of food, Bryant and Musa of shelter, and Ocean of fishing.

Eventually, the dreaded day had snuck up on them, and they were about to enter the arena.

All tributes were lead to the hovercraft, and sat down in designated seats surrounding the walls with their district partner. As their arms were injected with the tracker,  Holly looked over at Musa, who she could obviously tell was scared out of her mind. Not as much for the syringe, although maybe that as well, but for the games themself. Holly was too far to communicate any plan for her though, so she just sat and thought about how the games would go.

The hovercraft landed, and the tributes were all brought to the underground room of their choice with the option of their mentor or their stylist, previously used during the parades and interviews of the tributes days prior.

Enfys struggled to find the incentive to step up onto the platform, but her head stylist warned her about the repercussions she would face if she didn't go in.

Holly took no time at all to step on the platform. While confident, she always followed what people told her to, and feared getting criticized for doing something wrong.

The platforms rose up beneath their feet, and after a few seconds, they could feel cold, icy wind hitting their skin. It didn't take long for them to register what the arena likely was.

To Holly's left, the boy from District 11 stood tall, towering above her. She knew she'd want to avoid confrontation with him. She didn't remember what he did during training, but if he was any good, he could be an issue. To Holly's right, a boy from District 2. He was blonde, with a very apparent middle part. District 8 tries a little harder than most districts to show some sense of fashion, being the textile division, and this boy would fit right in.

She looked at the cornucopia to see what might be of use to her. On the ground, a chartreuse (she only knew that color from helping her mother color match at late hours of the night for work) backpack lie still, and she knew she wanted it. Right behind it, a bow, with a quiver and what she thought was abt 7-10 arrows inside.

She looked above the cornucopia to see that were 15 seconds left. No, 14. No, 13.

She took long, deep breaths, and prepared for the timer to end.


Holly knew where she was going, but Enfys did not.

The Rapid Sparks of the Cord; A Hunger Games Novel Where stories live. Discover now