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An electric current buzzed above the tributes heads, coming from a link of wires hung by the trees.

Ama was sick of the noise, but Kieran couldn't care less. Josh had been asleep for what felt like a little too long, and if they hadn't heard the lack of cannon fire, they would assumed him to be dead.

"I'm sick of standing here. After Roni, I'm not waiting around to be killed." Ama said. He didn't love the alliance with Kieran and Josh, but when the battle axe he had grabbed at the cornucopia was stolen right out of his hands, he didn't have many options. The one who took it had already died; District 5's Jamie. Ama was able to grab Roni's knife, left in her pocket. Ama didn't particularly like her by any means, but backstabbing her would be pretty easy once the time came. Still, when she did die, it hit him harder than he could have ever expected.

She wasn't much younger than him; he was 16 and she was 14. But she felt like a little sister. He took a chance when creating an alliance with a non-career, and while he regretted it at first, he found himself missing her more than ever now. She would have went with him to hunt down other tributes.

"With a measly little pocket knife, you can keep dreaming." Kieran said, brandishing a spear. He had killed the District 5 tribute, Jamie. He hadn't shut up about it since. Ama was sick of the boasting.

Josh's long hair blew over his face, and for a split second, Ama wondered if they were waiting for a dead man to wake up. But as his mind swirled with thoughts, Josh's eyes fluttered open.

"Hope you had a nice nap. We've been waiting all day for you." Ama said, clearly annoyed. "Well excuse me. We've been out here for DAYS and this is the first time I'm getting sleep. You'll deal." Josh stated, with an uncertain tone. Ama could tell that Josh felt entitled to the whole thing, though.

"Whatever. We're going hunting." Ama said firmly, snatching the spear out of Kieran's hands and handing him the knife. "What the hell?" Kieran remarked, shocked at the audacity.

"We don't need any food." Josh said, raising his eyebrow. "We're not hunting for food, dumbass. We're looking for other TRIBUTES." Ama snapped. "You can come with me or stay here and die. Your choice." Ama muttered, walking away through the trees, careful not to touch any. Kieran ran right after, but Josh was hesitant. It didn't take too long for him to give in, though, and followed in pursuit right after.

Ama had been keeping track; there were 10 tributes left. Too many of which were older, stronger, and large than him.

They had very little luck finding anything of use for most of the trip. One squirrel, maybe a tribute that may not have actually been a tribute, and a beetle that Kieran had stomped on.

Rustling in the bushes alerted Ama's senses, and he signaled for the other two to keep quiet. They stood still for a solid minute. Then two.

The sound of metal cutting through the air nearly forced Ama to turn his head backwards, and spots blood spilling out of Josh's neck.

Josh held his hand on the puncture, and dropped quickly to the ground. The cannon shot. Josh hadn't even been awake for 40 minutes.

Ama looked around, trying to find any tribute the knife could have come from. It came from the left of them, as made apparent by where it landed in Josh. Kieran kneeled down in a fetal position, no longer on the offense.

Ama grabbed Kieran's arm and raced out of the woods. Kieran was covered in blood. Ama packed a snowball and slid it down his face, cleaning up the blood.

"Thanks." Kieran sniffled. It's not that Kieran particularly disliked Josh, but he didn't love him either. He was moreso worried that he was going to follow in his footsteps.

The Rapid Sparks of the Cord; A Hunger Games Novel Where stories live. Discover now