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lily's pov

It was the day of the premiere of percy jackson. to be honest i didn't know what i was even doing here except that my mom had composed a song for one of their episodes. she wasn't here though, she said that she was busy but i should definitely go since i helped her.

walker was here and i definitely didn't have the best relationship with him so that was awesome.

luckily i was good friends with leah. it was especially momo's fault, because she clearly knew everyone.

i haven't talked to walker since my interview last year. i heard that he talked about me in some interview and wasn't really friendly about me. but i guess i didn't blame him. i didn't like him and he didn't like me and that was the only thing we agreed on.

i was wearing my favorite pink dress and i was supposed to spent the whole day with the cast.

the whole premiere was okay i pretended i didn't see walker and so he did. i was with leah, momo, dior and scarlett.

just so you know i wasn't a friend with scarlett and i wasn't her biggest fan. this is gonna sound rude but it was so obvious that she was fake. she laughed at everything and it was that one fake laugh. but dior and leah liked her so it wasn't my place to speak.

"walker is looking at scarlett the whole day, it's getting annoying." mo groaned. i looked from my phone and for the first time that day i looked at walker.

he was staring at her. "ew." slipped my mouth. mo giggled.

"i mean they would be perfect for each other she's fake and he's annoying and has the biggest ego i've ever seen." i said ironically and pretended to pay attention to whatever dior and scarlett were talking about.

as i said it i saw scarlett give me the "i also don't like you" look. i hoped that she didn't hear me even though i was pretty sure i whispered it so quietly that maybe mo also didn't hear it because she was now talking to all of them and didn't react to what i said.

i heard the boys getting closer to me and then someone touched my arm to get my attention, it was charlie. "do you guys wanna go to the room and watch some movie?" charlie suggested.

i was one hundred sure that walker made him say it and he's gonna spend the whole movie cuddling with scarlett.

"of course." scarlett almost screamed in excitement. i rolled my eyes but nodded.

i love mo and lily's friendship :(((
also lmao walker is such a simp, ew?!

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