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walker's pov

"you know what it is?" aryan asks thoughtfully. "no, aryan i do not know." walker complaints. "i think she's just not into you, dude." "yes i think i know that." walker says, "but i mean she could be! if she-"

"if?" leah prompts from her bed.

"if..." walker tries to find the "if" in his mind but it's particularly hard to do when he's tried so many things already. "if i could show her that i'm actually pretty cool dude."

"i thought, you already tried that." dior points out.

walker groans. "i don't think so, dior, it's really hard to show her when you guys never shut up."

charlie chuckles. "ouch" leah says in hurt tone

"i don't know why she doesn't like me, i would be a brilliant boyfriend, if she only could see that. i bet she would want me back."

aryan thinks about it for a second. "i mean you've got a point. it's not like she would would know how good boyfriend you are unless she saw-"

"yes, exactly! thank u bro." walker puts up his hand to high five aryan.

"i mean it's kind of your fault that she never saw you with anyone, you've never had a girlfriend." leah snorts.

"thanks for reminding me, leah." walker says ironically and gives her a fake smile.

"mate, just date someone." charlie suggests, shrugging. "no, i can't date someone?! i only like scarlett. i don't want to do that to anyone."

they sit in silence, thinking. "hm, you could fake date someone. like it's really normal in hollywood. they date for fame." dior suggests.

they all state at her in confusion. "huh? it's actually brilliant idea." dior rolls her eyes.

"don't know many people who would actually go for that, though." leah says.

walker thinks about it for a while, starting into the space.

"i think i know someone."

think i should start adding more social media
things 😭

delicate, walker scobell Where stories live. Discover now